Li Zhi knows that it's not so simple in this world. For example, Niuniu has a strong influence behind her. When there are any unstable factors, they will take action. Of course, Li Zhi will not talk about it.

He said curiously to Fengshen array: "what's your right hand? Are you sure you can deal with the underworld dragon? "

The Fengshen formation heard Li Zhi's words and said faintly: "my hand is a black hole, which is a real cosmic black hole. It can absorb all the stars in it. Under this black hole, let alone the shadow of the underworld dragon, even the real underworld dragon can't get rid of this thing."

Li Zhi's eyes widened,

"Me! Fuck! Yours! Can you control black holes? "

Li Zhi said in his heart, if the other party really has this kind of ability, he just farted. He can just admit defeat!

Fengshen array shakes its head,

"I can't control the seal. The black hole in my right hand is the same as the seal and the doomsday dragon in the hand of Feiying. We can use other methods when our two forces reach the limit, but I'm different from Feiying. His doomsday dragon can be suppressed, but he failed. As for my black hole, no matter what I try, just open one, The first one to be swallowed is me, and then everything within 10000 kilometers around the black hole will be swallowed, but it should have no effect on Capricorn. After all, we have to leave here. "

All of a sudden, Fengshen array felt that he couldn't move. He looked at Li Zhi frail. Li Zhi said faintly: "I won't let you release the black hole. In that case, I'm not in danger. Don't say I don't think it has any crisis. Even if it can really destroy the world, it's nothing. I'm not it. I'm not as great as it, What I like is the most important thing. Otherwise, what will happen if the world is destroyed? "

After Li Zhi said these words, the breath of the emperor appeared, a proud momentum rippling in the world

At this time, the flying shadow has absorbed the evil spirit of the underworld dragon, and the dragon scale appears on the surface of the body!

Li Zhi also knows that this time is not the time to show off his ability. His mind moves and the ice dragon armor is on him.

At this time, everyone on the scene paid attention to Li Zhi. Of course, there were two exceptions, namely, Johnson and ASAR. They had already played a hot game and turned a deaf ear to the outside world's affairs. What exterminating the underworld dragon really had no effect on them.

In the face of the strange flying shadow, Li Zhi decided to give it a try. Now Li Zhi's energy has been improved too much, and the ice dragon armor has been used properly by him!

Li Zhi roars with an ice dragon. His energy is like a tidal current. The crystal clear armor breaks down on Li Zhi and becomes a huge ice dragon!

Unlike the last time, Li Zhi's energy intensity was not enough, so he was almost sucked dry by Bruce Lee. But this time, he only consumed 1 / 10 of his energy, but this time, the ice dragon is stronger than before!

The bigger and bigger flying dragon made Li Zhi very scrupulous, and the other party's underworld fire also made Li Zhi a little extreme, so he used long-range attack.

The energy turns into ice and everything along the way is frozen!

However, when Feiying faced the ice dragon, he stood still and let the ice dragon hit him. A white light flashed over the surrounding frost, which made the space a hundred miles into a thick fog.

As the black light rises, all the fog dissipates

Feiying stood there safely, but there was a layer of Ice Armor on his body, which was put out by the fire on his body instantly!

It's probably a round of fighting. Feiying found that he suffered a loss!

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