At this time, Li Zhi and Bigan were in the depression. Looking at the airship as big as the future aircraft carrier, Li Zhi was very surprised.

It should be noted that after the establishment of the Ministry of industry, although he gave a lot of guidance at the beginning and gave a lot of his own ideas to the Ministry of industry, Li Zhi did not know many scientific means.

He just handed over some advanced ideas to the people of the Ministry of industry. Unexpectedly, the people of the Ministry of industry actually made things like airships. Three huge things, like French bread, were round and rolling.

On top of the whole airship, there are several very big words "Dashang airship". Looking at the three airships, Li Zhi waves his hand and says to the people of the Ministry of industry, "ready to set sail."

He took a lot of people to sit on the airship, including Wen Taishi and others. It was the first time for him to sit on such a strange thing. Bi Gan raised his neck and spit to explain to Wen Zhong the magical functions of the airship.

The huge airship boomed, the steam began to rise, and soon the airship flew into the mid air.

Seeing that Bigan really let such a huge thing fly, Wen Zhong's face was full of surprise. He whispered to Bigan: "Uncle Huang, how about giving me one of these airships?"

The last time Wen Zhong got a cannon from Bigan, he was very happy. Now when Bigan heard that Wen Zhong wanted an airship, he said angrily, "what are you talking about, master Wen?! Don't you know there are only three airships in all?! I'll give you one. What can I do? "

Looking at the quarrel between them, Li Zhi didn't control it either. Anyway, if the two old men wanted to quarrel, they would quarrel. Under Wen Zhong's guidance, the airship flew towards the direction of the drought.

Although it's not fast in terms of flying speed from Wen Zhong's point of view, it's big. It carries a large number of people. Although they are gods, it's very tiring to take so many people to the sky.

Moreover, there are rules under the way of heaven. When ordinary people see immortals, they are as heavy as ten thousand armies, so they seldom see immortals flying in the sky with mortals on their backs.

When he got to the place, he saw the outside things on the big screen of the airship. It was very clear. Li Zhi found that the power system of the airship is mainly steam, but there is already the shadow of electric energy.

Li Zhi knows that the emergence of electric energy is inevitable, but the development direction is mainly in the steam age. In the big screen, he is a figure standing in the same place. He is 34 Zhang tall.

Li Zhi felt sick when he looked at him. They all said that he was the emperor's daughter, but where could he tell that he was a mother!

She had dark red skin and no clothes on her upper body.

The head is sparse hair, and hair color is miserable white, eyes only white eyeballs, and can not see the pupil, the nose is just two holes.

Sharp ears, up and down four tusks from the mouth expenditure, constant saliva from the corner of the mouth.

The fingernails on the hands are sharp, and the hands are white. The skin covering on the surface can hardly be seen. The whole hand is like a skeleton.

Not only that, in her abdomen, there was a mouth, which was the size of a human head, and several sharp tusks protruded from the mouth.

Toes also have sharp nails. They don't know how to walk, but jump and jump. When they jump, their rickety body can jump more than ten meters and hundreds of feet.

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