At this time, outside the blood castle, has been surrounded by a large group of people of the Church of light.

The person in charge looked at the closed door and despised the dark life in his heart. He was so timid that he didn't even have the courage to open the door. When he was about to order his men to open the door, suddenly the door opened!

Then, seven people appeared from inside. When they saw them, the person in charge was a little silly, because these seven people were a blood clan in the end. His silver wings could tell that they were a duke.

But the person in charge doesn't think that a Duke is powerful. Even the grand duke may not be able to get benefits in his own hands.

However, when the seven humans came out of it, the person in charge of the planet found that the seven humans were not the dark demon master, because the dark demon master was the demonized appearance of human beings. He became uglier than the orcs and could not become an ordinary person.

There is only one possibility for human beings to appear in the blood castle, that is, the blood slaves raised by the blood clan, and the Duke level blood clan is extremely respectful to these seven people!

The person in charge of the light church on this planet didn't believe that they would be captive blood slaves. He stared at Li Zhi and said, "who are you and why are you with the blood clan?"

Li Zhi's voice has spread all over the world, even the whole planet,

"How dare you say my people are dirty? In this world, light and darkness coexist. Pure darkness is more powerful than light. I came here to discuss with you that wherever I am, light is shrouded in darkness... "

After finishing the last word, the rich and incomparable black air spread from Li Zhi's feet, constantly rippling in all directions!

After being eroded by black, everything loses its color and becomes pitch black.

In an instant, hundreds of square kilometers of space became black. Except for Li Zhi, all the people in the Church of light became painted black!

The person in charge of this planet was frightened to find that his light power, which he had practiced for many years, could not be used.

Li Zhi's voice appeared again,

"From now on, those who practice the light energy will no longer be able to practice. If you want to gain ability, you have to practice the dark magic. If you want to be human, darkness is your only choice!"

After these words, a cultivation method appeared on the ground. After leaving the method, Li Zhi went back to the castle. As for Youquan, they naturally followed behind.

And Roland shivered when he saw the dark world, and felt that there were countless ghosts behind him. He quickly went back to the castle.

As the castle rises, the blood clan controller looks at the planet curiously. At this time, a huge black area appears on the planet, just like an eye!

The religious leaders on this planet are all stupid, and everyone has lost their ability, but after all, the person in charge is still the highest person in charge, and his status has not changed for a while.

The person in charge didn't say anything. He came to Li Zhi and began to practice with his eyes closed.

He has set an example, others have begun to practice, and the skill is not advanced. In less than an hour, everyone's skill has reached the first level.

In addition to their black complexion, they are basically able to recover, recover their refined energy, and improve a lot!

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