Luo Er has been taken care of since childhood. He is only 20 years old and doesn't understand the situation, especially the family. Now he has heard that his father is going to marry him to an old man who is almost as young as his father. He is over 1000 years old and makes a lot of noise. Finally he runs away from home!

All of a sudden, the whole rose family is in a mess. They all know that it's a very serious thing to repent of marriage in the blood clan!

The Fulin family will use this as an excuse to eradicate the Roth Family directly!

Now the only way is to get rolle back before the fulins know about it.

But I didn't expect that the Fulin family knew about it and gave an ultimatum. The first was that the Fulin family moved to another planet, and the second was that all the families were killed.

In three days, the whole rose family searched all corners of the planet, but there was no clue. His father suspected that rolle had left the planet?

But if you think about it, it won't, because the channels leaving the planet are monitored by the Fulin family, so she can't leave quietly.

He began to wonder if his daughter had been taken by the Fulin family?

Three days later, the Fulin family came to the important people. Under the pressure, Roland's father couldn't withstand the pressure. For the sake of the family blood, he had no choice but to drive the whole family to the castle and set foot on the road of migration

In the vast starry sky, the Roth Family are confused. The division of power of the dark cross galaxy has been fixed for millions of years, and there is no one they are involved in!

After more than ten days of flying in the starry sky, the head of the Roth Family is worried about the future. He not only lost his beloved daughter, but also made the whole family suffer from this

At this time, someone informed Miss discovery!

It turns out that rolle didn't leave the castle, but hid in the prison of the family. She hid herself. No one thought that she would hide under the castle of the whole family.

Luo Er was already haggard when he was found. Although the owner of the rose family was very distressed, it was because of Luo Er that the family tried so hard?

If you don't kill her people, how can you pacify the family?

However, seeing her daughter like this, she couldn't do it. In desperation, she ordered her to be locked in the dungeon forever, and let her live and die on her own. Don't let her go!

A few days later, the castle encountered the holy sword of the dark cross. During the encounter, when the Roth Family died and the people were desperate, Li Zhixiang appeared as a savior!

Li Zhi knows all the later things, needless to say.

However, even under such emotional excitement, Roland did not say anything about his father's overdraft of life to transfer energy, just said the word "war death".

Li Zhi frowned and said, "isn't your sister still in the dungeon?"

In Li Zhi's opinion, this girl is actually quite innocent. What's wrong with fighting against fate?

And as a father, he even forced the fate of the family on a little girl. This guy should die!

Just then a voice came in a hurry,

"Master! No, miss, she committed suicide! "

Roland was shocked and held down the man,

"What did you say? I beg your pardon? How can miss commit suicide? How do you care for her? "

The low-level apprentice said, "it's villain. When talking with Miss, she talked about the temporary affairs of the family. When Miss learned that it was because of her own reasons, she committed suicide!"

Roland's angry kick kicked the blood clan away,

"Damn you

At this time, Li Zhi said, "it's no use being excited. Let me show you."

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