Looking at those spaceships flying in the middle of the sky, Li Zhi raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. Like these spaceships, it is estimated that half of the attack of dark magic city will be able to drop them.

But Li Zhi didn't want to do that because he had a better way.

In fact, when Li Zhi just came to this nebula, he found that the nearby stars had changed, because these stars had changed their original orbits with external forces, and there were many traces of scientific and technological products on them. After careful observation, Li Zhi found that as long as the position of one or two stars was changed, it would become an array.

Li Zhi's research on array is very thorough.

The way of array is profound for Li Zhi. He soon discovered the function of this array.

This array will make all the energy of the dark attribute disappear. If Li Zhi is really a member of the dark gods, he may become an ordinary person when he enters the array.

But Li Zhi is not a God at all.

These arrays have almost no binding force on him.

Li Zhi has seen through the key of the array. Of course, he wants to use this array to deal with the people of the Church of light.

The star he landed on was also the core of Li zhitiao's chosen array, and then he used his powerful attack to directly tear up the power drive system of the planet.

In order to impress each other, Li Zhi went out of the castle directly.

Then Li Zhi's hands constantly changed into fingerprints, and the planet where Li Zhi was moved with his motion reaction.

A group of people in the Church of light were stupefied. They stood there and didn't know what was going on.

They also forgot to attack.

When Dimas saw all this, he suddenly roared,

"Attack! You bastards

The sound penetrated into the interior of many spaceships, making the people of the Church of light react.

Dimas ordered the whole crew to attack hundreds of spaceships and launch countless channels of flame energy.

Dimas is confident that even a star will be smashed under such powerful firepower.

But let him panic, feel panic things happened, countless attacks combined energy reached a million degrees, but did not break the outside shield!

Dimas does not believe in evil to continue to attack, but the result is to let him down.

No matter how you attack, the shield doesn't even move.

There is only one reason for this, that is, the opponent's shield may be more than three times of his attack power!

That is to say, the other side's shield reaches more than 3 million degrees.

Dimas didn't believe that there was such a strong shield in the world? If Dimas knows that the current comprehensive defense system of dark magic city has exceeded 8 million, it doesn't need to say that he attacks things. This data will scare him to death when it comes out.

Since there is no way to stop it, the planet still starts to run according to the trajectory set by Li Zhi.

In Li Zhi's body, after half of the energy consumption, the planet moved to the position that Li Zhi wanted. Suddenly, his hands closed together, and then the boundless energy rippled around.

Li Zhi's hand moves with his heart.

Then Li Zhi put his hands together, and the stars in the whole star field gave off a brilliant light. Then the stars in this nebula lit up one after another, and the stars lit up in these stars.

At the same time, the people of the Church of light feel that their blood is boiling, not only they, but also the spaceship where they are.

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