Then the dark guide whirled in the air, and a black mist came out of the black sharp corner. The dark guide stirred the black fog and finally formed a vortex. Li Zhi felt an attraction coming from him. His consciousness drifted up, and the spirit seemed to be pulled out of his body.

When Li Zhi wanted to resist, the voice of Xiao Luzi came to his mind,

"Master! Don't resist! Let your spirit enter here

After hearing what xiaoluzi said, Li Zhi didn't resist. Instead, he floated Yuanshen out of his body.

All of a sudden, he was absorbed into the black fog, and the spirit left his body to fly in the crisscross space.

This feeling is not the first time for Li Zhi. As early as the beginning, when he fell into the ghost world by situ Wuwei's calculation in the dark magic city, Li Zhi felt that he was ready to go through the ghost world for the second time.

There is no flow of time to travel through the cracks in space. It feels like a moment, and it seems like tens of millions of years. Finally, when Li Zhi's spirit can't feel the tearing, he can see the light again in front of his eyes. Li Zhi has entered the spiritual world.

After Li Zhi came here, he thought it was gray, only black and white, but when he came here, he found that he was wrong.

Everything here is almost the same as the real scenery. At this time, Li Zhi found himself in the dark magic city.

Of course, this dark magic city is not a real dark magic city. The dark guide suddenly jumped beside him, and then said strangely, "master, here you are, you will accept the real test. I hope you have a good time!"

"If you can pass this training, then I will accept the name of xiaoluzi, and then I will really admit that you are the master..."

Li Zhi didn't hear xiaoluzi's words, because xiaoluzi hid the words behind him.

Out of the chamber of secrets, immediately found outside the broken army area silk they.

But this time Li Zhi observed them, the meaning was different.

There is a trace of resentment in Yu Si's eyes when she looks at Li Zhi. Youquan is infinite worship, lengxiao wants to devour everything, while breaking the army is obsession with that emotion. ASA's eyes are sad, and Feiying's body is in a riot mood. However, Li Zhi has a feeling that this emotion does not come from Feiying.

It's the dragon in his body.

But Li Zhi has a feeling that Fengshen array is the most dangerous person!

Although Li Zhi already knows that the people in front of him are just projections in this spiritual world, the emotions revealed by the other party still make him uneasy, because in a certain way, what he sees now is only a few people, and the real side is what they hide in their hearts. After seeing Li Zhi, several people immediately surround him.

"The boss came out so soon, did you find it hard to find?"

Li Zhi knows that here is a world of his own, and there is another set of rules in this world, which is more cruel than the real world. Everyone here does not think he is illusory.

I don't know that I am the projection of my heart.

In reality, if you die, these mental projections will also die.

Li Zhi thought about these things and answered,

"Basically, I know. Just now I analyzed that, um... Hard to find should be in the night ghost town!"

Night ghost town is, of course, the headquarters of the dark church.

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