For this, he's just suppressing his feelings. Now that the window paper is broken, let's start!

With Li Zhi's promise, Yu Si's heart is like a stone falling to the ground.

The colorful smoke around them is the race skill of Yusi, which is created for this kind of thing.

In this space, the defense is up to a million degrees.

The smoke slowly spread. At the beginning, Li Zhi and his colleagues were in the middle of the sky. The colorful smoke was very small and nobody noticed it. But as Yu Si didn't control it, the smoke became more and more extensive. Finally, the area of ten li was full of colorful smoke.

Many people below are pointing at the colorful clouds in the sky.

Because they haven't seen colorful clouds yet.

This matter spread to Li Delu. Li Delu discussed it with you Quan. They speculated that Li Zhi was responsible for it, but the army broke and ordered to send experts to guard it. No one was allowed to come near.

After all, although there are not many of the strongest on this planet, there are still many people who can fly into the mid air.

Many people have been flying into the air to observe. When someone wants to enter the clouds, they are blocked by colorful clouds..

When they want to gather energy to break through, the guard of governor's house appears.

Although the strength of these guards is not high, Li Zhi stands behind them! Who dares to do it?

Although the bodyguards tried their best to stabilize the situation, they were still a little scared. However, Li Delu quickly appealed to the outside through the big screen of the governor's office. This is the auspicious sign of heaven. You can live and work in peace and contentment in the future.

Many people believed what the governor said.

But the strong don't believe it. They have some doubts, but such people are in the minority after all. Most people have already believed it.

And then a lot of people continued to revel,

Yu Si found Li Zhi staring at his body, so some may be shy.

"What do you think it's not enough to bully me?"

Li Zhi hugged her and joked, "did I bully you? That's not what you said just now. I want it. I want it. Who said it? "

When Yu Si heard this, she blushed.

She took Li Zhi by the hand,

"Don't move. We've been here for a long time. I feel a lot of people gathered outside."

Although there is a gap between the two people's ages, in fact, after stepping through the limitation of the life span of heaven and earth, the number of years is no longer important, just that the psychological age is more important, but it is obvious that Li Zhi's psychological age is higher than that of Yu Si..

Two people blinked to the universe, and then scattered colorful clouds. It was only then that I slowly returned to the governor's house.

When the colorful clouds disappeared in an instant, the guards around him were all silly. How could they disappear suddenly?

Watching Li Zhi and them appear, Yu Si's face is still with a trace of blush. All the people present are from the past, and they have guessed what happened.

However, most of the people behave normally. They don't have strange looks on their faces and know the duty of their subordinates. There is a man who is an exception, rolle, who has not been through the world.

Luo Er is happy to see Li Zhi and their return,

"Brother Li Zhi, you and sister Yu Si are back. I haven't seen you all day. I'm worried, eh? You... How can you have a strange smell, and how can sister Yusi's face be so red? "

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