All the countries in the chaos system signed the Convention, and they were not allowed to go to the production planet during the war.

Those who violate this agreement will become enemies of the entire galaxy.

This rule has created a lot of strange phenomena, that is, among the major forces, the planets engaged in production are basically not concentrated.

There are no armed forces on it. Even if the two forces fight to the death, the planet they attack will not be affected, and they will even trade.

And the unproductive planets are basically fighting.

And the people who live on it are also fighting professions.

Of course, for this kind of non combat occupation, all forces give protection.

It is not allowed to hurt, violate or pay the same amount of fine.

Or pay with your life.

The pact also gives the planet a quiet peace.

In other words, except for four occupations, other occupations earn less.

But it's a lot safer.

Of course, it's impossible to be absolutely safe if you want to learn.

In fact, ordinary professions have their own wars, and they are accidents.

In the chaos galaxy, weapons are very powerful. Even the cities on the planet are not allowed to use small-scale weapons. However, even small-scale weapons are very harmful.

In addition to the four major occupations, businessmen are also promising. Many of their consortia will support many combat occupations.

To protect them and escort them, even medium-sized businesses will hire fighters as thugs.

All this has created one thing, which is the nominal high status of the combat profession.

In fact, they are thugs and bodyguards. Of course, this refers to small roles. In those real transformation levels, soldiers are high-ranking fighters and targets of various forces.

Wherever you go, you will be offered as your ancestors.

Of course, there are too few reformed soldiers. Among the 100000, there may not be one of the reformed soldiers. Most of the reformed soldiers are low-level.

When they go up, there is basically one out of every 1000.

For example, a thousand low-level soldiers have a middle extreme soldier.

There is a senior soldier among a thousand middle pole soldiers.

Only a thousand high-level soldiers can produce a top-level transformation soldier.

As for the super transformation warrior, it has not appeared for millions of years.

Even if it's a top transformation warrior, it's only one in a billion.

Among the 100 billion fighters, there will be a top transformation fighter.

So for ordinary people, the advanced transformation warrior is already a god like existence.

The top transformation warrior is the God of the gods.

Li Zhi knows that if he wants to get money, he must have his own power, so he must first show his strength to the world.

Through the introduction of one eyed king, Li Zhi understood that a period of time's efforts to transform soldiers can evolve, and the transformed soldiers evolved from this kind of evolution are stronger than those of the same level.

When he heard about the transformation of the soldiers, the kind of cyborg appeared in Li Zhi's mind.

But of course, this is not to transform soldiers, at most it can be regarded as senior fighters.

The real transformation of soldiers is to inject gene potion, and then use cosmic rays to strengthen their physical strength.

The muscle and bone density of the transformed person will increase, and the cells of the body will strengthen.

The reason for the scarcity of reformed soldiers is not just the high cost of surgery.

It's because not many people are suitable for transformation.

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