When two rings, which are equivalent to level 8 and level 9 transformation soldiers, appear in front of them, the sweat drops from the captain's face. The captain of the guard team even asks two people to upload them to the stage respectfully.

Looking at the captain's head almost to the ground, all the guards finally believe that their captain is a master, ordinary people will not fold themselves.

Looking at the two people left, the captain was relieved, but when he remembered, because the waist was too big, he couldn't lift it. He was so angry that he yelled for the help of the guard.

At this time, a group of people knew that the captain was also an expert they took for granted.

However, all this happened in a small episode. The leader of the guard was just a mole ant in Li Zhi's mind.

When Li Zhi and Nangong Xiu came out of the teleportation array, they flew for more than three hours and came to Nangong family. Nangong Xiu was very satisfied with the speed. The whole journey took more than three hours.

You know, before Nangong show came out, it took at least three days, but it was fast.

There are two kinds of aristocratic families in this space. One is to show all the strength on the surface, as if to show something. This kind of aristocratic family is called modern aristocratic family.

Although they have some strength, they are nothing in the eyes of experts. There is another way to hide their own power. The hermit family is usually inherited for thousands of years.

So no one dares to underestimate Nangong family.

It is the top Nangong family in the hermit family, whose headquarters is in MeiHuaXing.

But few of the plum blossom stars know about Nangong family. Only the real upper class know that the ruler of plum blossom star is a dynasty.

It's a second rate country. But this second rate country has passed on for a long time.

Because the real master behind this aristocratic family is actually Nangong aristocratic family!

Everything in this dynasty was controlled by Nangong family.

This is the truth that the small is hidden in the wild, the middle is hidden in the city, and the big is hidden in the dynasty.

Nangong Xiu's public identity is the commander of the dynasty, the commander of a regiment, and also the Duke. Li Zhi, who knows all this, is a little depressed. He uses his brain to make himself an earl.

And nangongxiu is the Duke.

Although to Li Zhi's level, he is not interested in being emperor.

Outside the atmosphere of Meihua star, Nangong Xiu has sent out the signal of return to the inside. There is a spaceship to guide the way, which is different from Li Zhi's coming to this planet. Meihua star is in good order, without any sense of war.

The reason for all this is that the Nangong family has a history of 100 years, but there has been no war in the past six months, even with the support of the Nangong family. However, it is not easy for a country to have peace for a century in the midst of chaotic information.

Nangong Xiu didn't plan to introduce Li Zhi to his family, because Li Zhi's affairs had a great influence.

Nangong did not dare to let his family know, so Li Zhi came to his home as a personal friend.

Nangong Xiu is the third son of Nangong family leader.

His father, nangongchen, has six wives.

A total of four sons and one daughter were born to nangongchen. Nangongxiu was born to nangongchen's favorite sixth lady.

Therefore, he was also favored by his father, and in the future, the head of the family may fall to Nangong Xiu.

But Nangong Xiu has always been envied by her two brothers. Since childhood, she has been wary of Nangong Xiu living in intrigue.

After returning to the Duke's palace, Li Zhi went to see Nangong Xiu's mother, Mrs. Rong.

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