In fact, Li Zhi didn't know that if there were no rosefinch, his internal balance would have been broken.

If the gold attribute in your body is sucked away, your accomplishments will be destroyed.

It's because rosefinch has rules that make it better.

If the ordinary people are sucked away the gold element, the five elements are not complete, they will not feel well and their abilities will not be brought into full play.

But it's not so simple for Li Zhi.

Li Zhi's practice is based on the five elements, supplemented by nine elements. If one element is taken away, his body will lose energy, and his body will explode instantly.

The awakening of Phoenix into rosefinch made Li Zhi escape.,

Otherwise, Li Zhigen could not cope with the gold rules of the Soviet Union and the East. If he only extracted metal, the other party's things could not be called artifact. The extracted metal was integrated into the other party's pyramid, and the pyramid became a huge mountain covering dozens of kilometers!

With the increase of elements, the body size is gradually increasing, and the body size increases to a certain extent.

Su Dongpo has already got up. With his connection with the artifact, he has integrated into the Jinshan mountain. As a defense, the Jinshan mountain has reached hundreds of miles. Su Dongpo is in an invincible position. Even if the attack reaches 100 million strength points, it can't break through its defense at all.

The title of the top ten deacons of the Soviet Union and the East is not in vain.

In fact, he is not only the top ten deacons, but also the 46th strong man in the war spirit list.

Under the control of Su Dong, the huge Jinshan smashes towards Li Zhi on the ground.

Under the metal blessing, the space around Li Zhi solidified, as if trapped in the sand, the speed was slowed down thousands of times.

There is no way to escape from the attack before Jinshan falls. The ground is also covered with metal. Li Zhi may not succeed in escaping from Jinshan's attack.

Moreover, the attack power of metal mountain hitting the ground should exceed 20 million degrees.

What is the result of Li Zhi's being smashed?

What sun dong thought was really good, but he didn't expect that Li Zhi had rosefinch. If there was no rosefinch, Li Zhi would have no way to avoid these attacks.

But now it's not the same. Li Zhi's rule of fire with rosefinch armour and the rule of fire suppression with five elements are just the same as the rule of gold.

With the help of Xiaofeng, reason can control rosefinch God armour, and it is 100% control!

The functions of Shenjia are mastered by Li Zhiquan.

Li Zhi instantly starts the rules, and the fire elements on the planet are extracted by Li Zhi and integrated into the divine armor.

Unlike Jinshan's absorption of metal elements, rosefinch does not change in weight.

The absorbed fire element makes the rosefinch red and transparent. It is Nanming who leaves the fire.

The rosefinch armour on his body turns into a torchlight, which is extremely hot. Unexpectedly, the trend of Jinshan falling down and the battle is deadlocked. The opponent's Jinshan Li Zhi still admires it. This thing is made by means of science and technology. The super magnetic shock wave dominates the metal elements. The power attribute of a science and technology is the same as that of a monk's magic weapon, isn't it strange?

Is there any connection between the two?

After the rosefinch formed the firelight shield, Li Zhi thought leisurely there.

As Su Dong began to say, the fight was unfair.

Because the planet from Sudong is a metal planet, surrounded by metal elements, and the rocks are filled with gold and metal ores.

There are a lot of metal elements in this planet, far more than other planets. Li Zhi absorbs only 1% of the metal elements of the other planet. After a while, rosefinch does not absorb these fire energy. As time goes on, the metal energy of the other planet becomes more and more, and its volume becomes larger and larger.

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