After the disappearance of Jinshan, Li Zhi was the only one left in the world. The enchanting fire formed a huge cloak in Li Zhi. The cloak moved slowly, as if blowing like a wind. Hundreds of millions of light-years away from the battle, Fanghua headquarters was in a secret room.

Four masked people sit down in turn.

Staring at Li Zhi on the screen.

The second man sitting on the left suddenly said, "you've seen the whole battle. What's your opinion?"

The first person on the left side said: "this man has a good ability. The most terrible thing is that his divine armor has such a powerful rule of fire. Even if any of us, except Jiang Chujun, can win, we may not be able to retreat completely."

"Mr. mengchang is joking. Although I know the rules of water quality, I dare not say to the fire in the south. Although I can't control it, water and fire can't control it, but water can't control it! Although I restrain this guy named Li Zhi, if he can master the train rules further and match his status, I'm very likely to... He has a great chance to complete the task, but it needs to be controlled! "

Naturally, when he finished, a strong voice said, "is that a child? Do you think about it? I don't think he has any ability. If I want to, he can be dead at any time. I've been in the organization for 500 years. I usually see you do things easily. Li Yuantai is here to promise that if he doesn't listen to manipulation and you don't have to do anything, I can strangle him! For the sake of heaven! You are the old man in the organization. You have been a giant for 6000 years, so I admire you. Make up your mind! We all listen to you

His voice was strong, but his body was shriveled!

After listening to Li Yuantai's words, people around him didn't say anything.

But they focused on Mou Tianji, which means that they obviously agree with Li Yuantai.

Mou Tianji swept the three people and said, "for this plan, for this plan, our predecessors shed their blood. We have organized for tens of thousands of years! We don't know how long we will still have this opportunity, but at least I know one thing, all of you. May not be able to see that day, so the opportunity in front of us, we have to seize! It's worth what we pay. If we succeed, we will become the real masters of the three realms and six realms! "

Although Mou Tianji's face was blocked by the mask, the three people who sat in the third place were very excited.

After a recovery, Mou Tianji said, "send a message to Su Dong. When Li Zhi comes back, the plan of burying heaven will start!"

Su Dong is floating in the middle of the sky. Looking at the metal planet below, he wants to cry without tears. He didn't think he would fail, but he didn't think he would fail so quickly.

Just a move to become famous for their own rules, weapons were broken by the other side, let him embarrassed.

How can this Li Zhi have such strong equipment?

It is estimated that this guy, with the help of the divine armor, even the four giants, may not be able to subdue him!

When he was in a trance, the voice of Mou Tianji came to his mind. When he heard Mou Tianji's voice, Su Dong suddenly woke up. Mou Tianji ordered Li Zhi to go back to the headquarters, which was expected.

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