He can use the spirit to regenerate anywhere in his body, including his brain.

Of course, that's the worst. As a result, with Li Zhi controlling Yuanshen, he can remove the chip out of the body without knowing it. However, Li Zhi won't choose any of the above methods. His current method is more useful, that is, to separate part of Yuanshen's energy chips. With Li Zhiqiang's incomparable Yuanshen, a mere 100000 point explosion can't hurt him at all, Even the detonation signal may not be able to come.

Not only that, Li Zhi can also use his spirit to peep at the four giants.

What he wanted to see, Li Zhi could simulate the scene and solve the hidden danger in his body.

Li Zhi can make up his mind to face three people carefully.

Li Zhi was very angry,

"You! You've planted a bomb in my brain, and I'll pull you as a back cushion when I die! "

After the delivery, Li Zhi took out the fantastic badge.

It's the detail badge that absorbs the energy of the disaster.

Li Zhi believes that with their eyes, they can feel the power,

"You! Wait a minute! I have no malice, you listen to my explanation, we can install for you, also can remove for you, you don't get excited! "

Jiang Chu found Li Zhi holding a badge in his hand. He didn't know what it was, but he found the power contained in it. If the power burst out, let alone them, even the moment of youth would rise to heaven.

Now they know that Li Zhi has the ability to die with them.

Not only Li Yuantai, but also Meng Cang's look changed.

They never dreamed that there was such a powerful thing in Li Zhi's hands. Listening to Jiang Chu's words, Li Zhi pretended to be hesitant for a moment, and then put the badge into Li Zhi's body. In fact, it was put in his mind, but it was put into the system space by Li Zhi.

How can Li Zhi put something that he can't understand in his body rashly?

It's just increasing the pressure on the three,

"| good! Listen to your explanation. I'll put the badge of destruction in my soul. If the chip explodes, let's die together again! "

Of course, a few of them didn't know that Li Zhi was bluffing them. They felt the energy in the badge and had to believe it. After all, no one would want to die if there was a chance of 1 / 1000.

Now they regret bringing Li Zhi. This guy is a trouble!

"What I said is true. The four of us ask you to complete one thing. As long as you complete it, I will return both Shenjia and Longzhu to you. We will also take out the implanted chips. This is still a rule. Everyone in the organization has chips except us. This is also a matter of no choice. We guess that your character will not be easily violated, That's why we can't change the rule of implanting chips for thousands of years, but you can finish the task smoothly. You will be the fifth monarch, and we will also untie the chip for you. Of course, we know that you can't accept it as compensation. Although you are nominally the top ten deacons, your treatment is the same as ours. Of course, we don't agree to untie the chip. "

Li Zhi knows that when he sees good things, he will accept them. As the top people in the world, they have their own dignity. If they don't know how to advance or retreat, and the other party is angry, it's no fun to attack regardless of everything.

It's open,

"Tell me about your conditions. How can you give me my armor?"

But since the other side has put forward it, Li Zhi decided to be more cautious.

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