Sun Fu shook his head: "no, no, absolutely not. I've been in Yunxiao city for 300 years. I've never found such a place, or even the whole Yunxiao city. I've passed every land. As for the legendary Lingbao Pavilion, I've never seen it."

Sun Fu answered without hesitation, and there was no falsehood in his eyes.

Li Zhi asked casually, "is that right? So you've been in this for 300 years? Where did you come from? Is it also from chaotic information? "

Li zhiguess that the pavilion should be covered up, otherwise Sun Fu would not have seen it for three hundred years.

Sun Fu's mouth twitched and shook his head,

"No, I'm not from any galaxy. I'm selected from the pariah of the lower world because of my superior performance."

Sun Fu's words aroused Li Zhi's curiosity.

"Pariah? You said the lower boundary should be those cities below Yunxiao City, but why are they Dalits? "

Sun Fu immediately replied: "because the untouchables in the lower world are the lives created by the first generation creators of Fanghua in a flash. They are toys created to make the members of the organization guarding Yunxiao city not bored. At the beginning, there were only a few thousand people, but with the development of time, now tens of thousands of years have passed, and these people are growing rapidly. At the peak, there are more than one billion people. However, the rapidly expanding population has brought great pressure to this space. Ten thousand years ago, a generation of monarchs elected an idea to divide these Dalits into 14 countries, four big countries and 14 small countries. They are controlled by four monarchs and ten deacons as their gods respectively. Their wars consume their population, and they can spend time together with the monarchs, So the tradition is preserved. "

Sun Fu's face was still very excited after he finished speaking.

It can be seen what he thought in his heart. Li Zhi was completely shocked.

In a flash, Fanghua's organization, the first generation of creators can create life!?

Isn't he beyond his ability?

Only when you step out of the three realms and not in the five elements can you have such ability. Can this space really be cultivated to that state? If it's really corrected to a big level, has it become detached?

Li Zhi thought in his heart, but what he said to Sun Fu.

"You said you were selected from the lower world to be a slave. What's the matter? Tell me. "

Sun Fu answered immediately,

"In the middle of Yunxiao City, the personnel of Fanghua are divided into six grades. The first grade is the four monarchs, the second grade is the deacon, the third grade is the core members, the fourth grade is the senior members, and the fifth grade is the junior members.

As for the last class, we are the slaves selected from the lower world.

Only the core personnel have slaves. As for the four giants and value, they are of different levels.

So we slaves have up and down.

Serving the core personnel are inferior slaves, generally served by the five world soldiers, deacons are medium slaves, are level six soldiers, and serve the four giants are level seven soldiers.

We are all selected from the lower world. We are regarded as the best among the Dalits. Every time we fight, we will be selected by the organization and become slaves. Of course, many slaves are selected, and there are not so many people above the core of the organization, so those who are not selected are practicing in Yunxiao city.

There are four servants of the giants, so those who have reached the seventh level will automatically become lower level members. I just entered the seventh level, but I didn't expect to be assigned to you. Although you are the hands of the ten deacons, you are likely to become the fifth monarch

Sun Fu looks at Li Zhi with adoration.

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