The appearance of this race is very similar to that of human beings. The skin is blue and the ears are a little longer. The most important thing is that they have a pair of wings like bat wings.

When not in use, it can be draped behind like a cape.

However, although they have wings, they can only fly at low altitude.

Because the sky belongs to Yunxiao city.

The untouchables in the lower world are only allowed to fly over the height of about 100 meters. If they exceed the height, they will be punished by God.

Li Zhi doesn't want to appear as a God as soon as he comes. That's no fun.

So they disguised themselves as members of the Fengfeng tribe and came to Tianping to play.

It's very easy to dress up as a dafengzu. Control the skin color, lighten the red blood cells on the skin, and then lengthen the ears. As for the wings of bats, it's OK to wear a cape.

Although Sun Fu is a member of Dafeng clan, he will be selected by Yunxiao city after his ability is reached.

Then he will enter the transformation room for transformation. After transformation, he has actually taken off the appearance of Dafeng tribe and become a normal human.

So even Sun Fu has to disguise himself.

Go to the street of flame City, the capital of Tianping.

The environment here is a bit amazing. Because of the constant pressure of Yunxiao City, the whole space of the four kingdoms is still very primitive. Although it's not as good as drinking blood, it's not strong. Li Zhi found that some people in tianpingguo still use stone tools.

Polished smooth, the rest of the people use iron, or that kind of poor quality iron.

Li Zhi knows what he is going to play, and Sun Fu is ready.

I took a hundred thousand coins and put them in the storage ring.

Among these 14 countries, each has its own unique currency.

But there is a kind of currency that is popular in the whole space and country, that is the divine coin.

This is the money created by Yunxiao city. The exchange rate of divine money in any country is almost the same.

Basically, it's one to ten thousand. In fact, there is a gap in the production of military nationals and other items between any country, but the biggest gap will not be more than three times.

Therefore, for ordinary people, it should be more valuable to exchange divine coins for those issued by the fourteen countries, and then exchange these coins for other currencies.

As a country's War Reserve, the divine coin is basically used for the land between countries. Only a few nobles and royal families will spend it to show their identity.

For ordinary people, a coin is enough for them to collect as a family heirloom to show off.

The reserves of divine coins in various countries are not very large, especially in Tianping country. Because the God of fire did not descend from the divine realm for three hundred years, the national economy was extremely depressed.

The Taiping currency issued by Taiping has become the least valuable of the 14 countries. Naturally, when you come to Tianping, you have to exchange the currency of this country.

It's not easy to spend money with God money. Fortunately, the face value of money issued by various countries is 10000.

So it's not easy to change a lot of tickets.

Under the leadership of Sun Fu, Li Zhi went to the bank to exchange the divine coin. After that, Li Zhi not only remembered the energy coin of the black market merchant last time, but also changed it into another kind of currency before long.

The young man of Tianping national bank is a native.

The original race is the weakest race in this space. They look very small. They are only the size of a 13-4-year-old child, and they have no hair, beard or eyebrows. It is difficult for ordinary people to tell their gender.

The life of the original people is very short, and the longest one is in his thirties. But of course, their growth cycle is also short. They basically reach adulthood at the age of seven or eight, and they have the ability to grow up after the age of ten.

The weak body is not suitable for fighting, so it is generally in the service industry.

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