With a wave of his hand, Sun Fu collected all the money, while Li Zhi left with Sun Fu.

When Sun Fu and Li Zhi left the bank, the boss's face changed and they all said, "the storage artifact! Who are they? Five thousand coins plus storage artifact.... "

He suddenly shut up and said to the young man, "pack up the things for me, put these coins in the box and send them to the palace at once!"

The bank owner guessed that Li Zhi might be a God, and he might be a superior God, because only the superior God has a servant.

The boss of the bank finds out that the other party is a master servant relationship through Sun Fu's respectful degree. No matter which faction the God in the world comes from, as long as he serves well, he will be able to find out the whereabouts of the God of fire.

At this time, the bank owner never dreamed that he was the Lord of fire.

I'm afraid his heart will explode when he gets the news, right?

Of course, Li Zhi knows nothing about all this.

After all, the place Li Zhi visited is the most backward in science and technology, full of primitive flavor. Even Kurosawa seems to be more technologically advanced than this place.

Li Zhi could not imagine that in such a primitive world, it would exist in the world of science and technology, which is ironic enough.

Along the way, Li Zhi, like he was a child, would buy anything new for a day. Sun Fu's four space rings have been filled.

Although the capacity of Sun Fu's ring is not as infinite as Li Zhi's system space.

But each one has 500 ping!

Now that it's all filled up, it can be seen how many things Li Zhi has bought. Li Zhi looks at Sun Fu who is tired of shopping and says, "are you a little strange to see me buy so many things?"

Sun Fu immediately shook his head and said, "no, no! My Lord, you do everything for a reason. I believe you do everything right. Even if I can't understand it, it's because I don't have enough intelligence to appreciate your intention! "

He said so in fear, which made Li Zhi laugh,

He shook his head,

"You are very good at speaking. I appreciate you. Really, I seldom appreciate a person. You know advance and retreat very well, and always know what to say on what occasion. But do you know Sun Fu? With your character, it's easy to be a person with a big tree in your arms, but it's hard to be yourself

Sun Fu chuckled,

"My Lord, what do you say? I'm satisfied if I can't be a slave, and I know how to be content! I also know that I don't have the ability to be an adult. It's the best result for me to do what you give me honestly! "

Li Zhi said from the bottom of his heart: "well, in fact, I buy these little things to relax my mood, and they are also gifts for my brothers and wives. I'm different from you. My biggest wish is that I can make a group of relatives and friends happy."

Sun Fu feels his brain can't keep up with him. Li Zhi can only sigh to himself in the end. It seems that he is different from adults.

Otherwise, how can people be adults and how can they be slaves?

Li Zhi suddenly said, "well, don't think about it. Let's find a place to eat!"

For this primitive space, Li Zhi thinks that some food should be stimulating.

Sun Fu was speechless about what adults thought.

He can only do everything according to Li Zhi's idea.

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