After staying away from this world, I seem to know that the sixth level master is the best in the lower world.

He didn't think there was anything in the world that could hurt him.

Although Li Zhi is not the fifth giant now, Sun Fu is already a servant of the fifth giant.

There's no way. It's defined by people around him.

With a few people jumping in, the rockery on the head slowly closed.

In a world with backward science and technology, it's good to have such a mechanism.

After jumping in, Li Zhi found that it was a slide.

Li zhifangjin seems to have returned to his childhood just like playing on a slide.

At the end of the slide is a tunnel. There is a rail on the tunnel. There is a car on the rail.

While a Xiu is waiting for them in the car, Li Zhi is very strange about all this.

Li Zhi would not be surprised if the railway cars appeared in other places, but it made him a little curious. In the backward society, many people still use the stone age, but now this should be a steam engine, right?

Not only Li Zhi but also Sun Fu were shocked.

"Why are you in a daze? Get in the car! The arena is not here, but more than 100 kilometers away. Get on the bus! Otherwise, we'll be late! "

Looking at their dull appearance, ah Xiu is very proud.

Because this is the invention of their organization, we know that they are not simple. She didn't say a word. The arena is in the mountains far away from the city.

It's not just the arena, it's their headquarters.

Ah Xiu believes that even if the two are really gods, the power of the leaders to integrate the whole base can subdue them.

So at this time, she is not worried about exposing these technologies in the organization.

A Xiu's organization is all over the space, and all the countries are hidden in the dark. After the loss of the patron saint of Tianping three hundred years ago, a Xiu's organization slowly moved Tianping to this place and moved its headquarters here. A hundred years later, it was found that the God of fire had not moved.

A Xiu's organization has moved all his belongings here. After more than 200 years of development, his organization has developed very rapidly.

Sun Fu and Li Zhi look at each other slightly, then smile. They wanted to come out to play, but they didn't expect to encounter such an interesting thing.

They jumped into the chariot directly, and the so-called science and technology in Li Zhi's view was just the era of steam engine.

As a Xiu poured black power driven liquid into the chariot.

Then the whole chariot sent out steam and drove at a high speed.

Li Zhi found that it should be oil, but the concentration is hundreds of times higher than that of oil. If a small bottle falls down, it is equivalent to nuclear power.

As the chariot ran, Li Zhicai knew why he used this crude oil.

Because the speed of the chariot is so fast that it is close to 300 kilometers per hour.

Li Zhi did not admire the inventor of the steam engine because it was not practical.

Generally speaking, this speed has been very fast, but in Li Zhi's eyes, it is no different from a snail.

But in the steam car, monorail car has been fast, not a great invention.

Ordinary people can't use the speed as high as 300 kilometers. If ordinary people don't have shelter, strong winds can blow people out of oxygen and suffocate them to death. Moreover, the steam temperature in front of them is very high. Ordinary people will be estimated by the profit of steaming.

If you are not affected by the steam and lack of oxygen, you need at least three levels to improve the strength of soldiers.

Thinking of this, Li Zhi covered ah Xiu with his divine sense. Unexpectedly, ah Xiu was already the level of the fourth level transformation warrior, and he was about to break through to the fifth level transformation warrior.

After Li Zhi finished his discovery, Sun Fu was stunned for a moment, because he didn't expect to be like this. When he met any woman, he was close to the fifth level reform soldier?

If we go further five levels, ah Xiu will be the strongest one in the lower bound!

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