Unlike reforming soldiers, monks care more about mood.

If heaven and earth resist him, he can't borrow the strength of heaven and earth.

I could have been a monk who beat ten, but now I may not have been able to beat ah Xiu.

The leader who has not been baptized by the vitality of heaven and earth for a long time is actually worse than ah Xiu's body.

Let's talk about Kung Fu.

That's even more different. Ah Xiu was born in the arena, fighting for life and death.

When the leader came and went just now, his body was still hit by the power of the lightning crossbow. The huge blue light swallowed his body and hit him, which was different from the thunder light in the field just now.

The energy of ah Xiu's attack is concentrated a little. After gathering, the attack power has reached 8 million degrees.

This is also because ah Xiu's energy is too weak. Otherwise, if he reaches a senior soldier, he will have a 100 million degree attack.

Enter the war soul list.

Eight million, not to mention a monk like the leader, even Li Zhi would be broken if he resisted by the flesh. I found that Lei Guang had a strong power.

He was in a hurry.

A jade pendant appeared in front of him.

The jade pendant resisted a Xiu's attack, but his leader was also stunned, because he found the position of his chest, and the original jade pendant disappeared after being hit by the other party.

Every direct descendant of the heart training school will be given by the elder of the school. The life protecting jade pendant is extremely powerful.

It can not only resist the attack from outside, but also from Yuanshen. It can also be said that the jade pendant has one more life.

This time, the leader is really distressed. It's not because that thing can protect his life, but because it's the last object in this space. The vicissitudes in the leader's eyes are gone, and everything that can see through the world is gone.

Instead, it's murderous! Mixed with anger!

He walked forward step by step, five meters away from ah Xiu, and he stopped.

It's tempting to find out that ah Xiu has been surrounded by the field, which is dominated by ah Xiu.

However, it is obvious that ah Xiu did not realize this. Everything was started by the field itself.

If ah Xiu is interesting, then this field is also very powerful.

But now ah Xiu can't use it, but the leader is angry.

He ferociously said: "you destroy my only memory, my favorite things, I want to let you know what is the price, what is life and death is better than death, I will draw out your soul, day and night magic fire refining!"

This vicious words let ah Xiu tremble, after the second attack, ah Xiu's body has no strength, can not insist on falling down. It's the strength of her will.

Then the obscure mantra came out of the leader's mouth. With his mantra, the black air around him condensed into a ferocious face.

That face howls, condenses a black face to fly toward a Xiu.

Ah Xiu was terrified. She opened her mouth and exclaimed. Her body fell back, but she didn't fall down.

On the contrary, he was hugged by one of his hands, tightly around her waist.

Ah Xiu opened her eyes and saw her dreamy face.

At the critical moment, Li Zhi wakes up, but ah Xiu is not immediately happy, because she finds a dark fog attacking like a grimace.

I want to remind Li Zhi.

But Li Zhi put his right finger against her lips and looked at the black fog. Li Zhiyi inhaled the black fog into his mouth.

Then the black fog was sucked into the soul shooting bead. The whole thing looked very long, but it was just a moment, less than a second.

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