Li Zhi wants to use these serums to build a powerful army, not a group of irrational monsters.

It's no use keeping them in this way. He turned around and began to think about how to do it. Now it seems that there is something wrong with the gene of the serum.

According to Li Zhi's estimation, there must be zombie genes in the serum, but Fei Yuhe and Bigan and others obviously don't know much about genes. Although Dashang's technology is developing fast, it's too late after all. If there is a research for more than ten years, it will certainly have good results.

Fei Yuhe said to Li Zhi: "Your Majesty, either destroy it, or keep it is also a disaster, and I found that there seems to be infection in his teeth."

Li Zhiyi frowned: "infectious?"

Fei Yuhe nodded, "look at his four tusks. If they are bitten, I find that they will have the same symptoms as him. I used a death row prisoner to do the experiment, but the death row prisoner's strength is obviously not as high as his, and he is still obedient to him, but he killed him soon."

Li Zhi nodded. It seems that infectivity should come from the descendants of zombie blood.

If only there was a blood clan

He thought that zombies and Western blood groups are different, but they can be collectively referred to as zombies. Western blood group is actually a kind of corpse.

Li Zhi ponders

Blood clan?

Blood clan!!

"System, look at my points!"

Li Zhi calls for the system in his mind, and the system prompts Li Zhi again that he still has more than three million points.

"Now I want to summon a lower blood clan. How many points do I need?"

System: "the lower blood group is divided into ordinary blood slave, Baron, viscount, count, marquis, Duke, the price is not the same."

"Blood slave is 20 points, summoning cost is 10000 points."

"Baron for 200 points, call cost 50000 points."

"2000 points for viscount and 250000 points for summoning fee."

"Count for 20000 points, call cost 1.25 million points."

"The Marquis has 200000 points and the summoning fee is 5.75 million points."


Li Zhi also understood that there is a ten fold gap between the strengths, but what is the cost of summoning? Why is it so expensive??

"System, what is the call fee?"

"The cost of summoning is the cost of drawing from different worlds to the world of gods. According to different strengths and abilities, the cost of summoning is different."

Li Zhi considered for a while, he felt that the blood slaves must not be chosen, that kind of thing is low strength, it can be said that it is not blood.

But Baron is the lowest blood group. It's better to make an experiment and listen to him say to the system: "I want a baron."

"Well, is the host sure to summon the Baron of the vampire world, Willis Mo Bruch?"


"After deducting 50200 points, the remaining 3.69 million points."

At this time, Li Zhi was still a little excited. After all, he discovered the magic of the system.

Now, what else can't the system do?

What is Li Zhi afraid of when there is such a powerful system in the world of Fengshen?

As long as there is a system, he will be able to get along well in the world of Fengshen.


Baron Willis is a baron in the vampire world. Although he is not high, he is not low. Fortunately, he has the identity of a vampire.

This guy as a baron, although in the vampire family is nothing, but for the outside world of human beings, he is a noble!

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