Li Zhi thought about it and understood the truth, but he was glad that the ghost king of Yinfeng and the ghost king of Mingjing didn't come out to wade in the muddy water, but stayed in the room honestly.

In fact, in Li Zhi's observation, not counting them, there are three ghost kings hiding in the room.

When Li Zhi enters the room quietly, the two ghost kings are relieved to see Li Zhi's face.

Without Li Zhi, they have no bottom in their hearts, and they dare not take action without Li Zhi's decision, for fear of destroying Li Zhi's plan.

"Well, you two are doing well. The muddy water of zangsiling is too muddy. We shouldn't get involved. The ghost emperor of zangsiling has been galloping in the underworld for millions of years. He is definitely not a simple guy. He must have a trump card. So let's sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. Let's see what strength we can't help but force out zangsiling's trump card, But the biggest enemy behind us is staring at us. Don't stand in front of us. It's not good to make him appear. I'm not sure about him without divine armor. If I don't take advantage of it now and break his paws, I won't be reconciled. That's why I will unite evil ideas without exposing us. "

Li Zhi's words made the two ghost kings nod their heads and praise.

"The Lord is really powerful!"

Li Zhi takes out three invisible runes.

"Well, shut up and put this on your head. Let's go out and see a good play."

Give one to each of the two ghost kings. This is Li Zhi's invisible charm in the world. After making changes, you can experiment in the underworld. Seeing Li Zhi stick the invisible charm on his forehead, he immediately disappears out of thin air. The two ghost kings look at each other.

Although they have seen many of Li Zhi's methods, they are surprised to see this talisman.

The two ghost Kings also pasted their invisibility symbols. Li Zhi's image appeared in his eyes, but the image was like a layer of white light. The two ghost kings looked at each other and understood that they could only see themselves with the Buddha's mantra.

"The effect of invisibility charm will only disappear after one hour. We can talk with each other during use. The effect of invisibility charm can isolate image and sound, but it can't isolate energy. So remember whether you want to use energy, or the invisibility charm will lose its effect. Go out to see a good play with me!"

Just at this time, they went out. A guy passing by the door saw that the door of the guest room was opened, but there was no one. He screamed: "there's a ghost!"

When he just yelled out, he was very strange. Isn't TND a ghost?

Seeing other rooms open their doors one after another and steal out a pair of strange eyes, the guy's face turns red. There's no way. Although he has just become a ghost, he doesn't adapt to his identity.

But he was a little embarrassed. Li Zhi took a look at the ghost king of Yinfeng.

The evil wind ghost king felt his head awkwardly. Only when he subconsciously saw the guy staring at himself, he would push it. He didn't expect to make such a big noise.

At this time, new changes have taken place in the lobby of the restaurant. The strongest people who want to return to zangsiling have appeared. One of the four ghost kings of zangsiling, the black smoke ghost king, has come here with three ghost Marshals in person, and there is also a team of ten thousand people.

Although the number of ghost Shuai and ghost king in the restaurant is higher than that of hell angel, the person in charge of the restaurant knows that the strength between ghost king and ghost king is very different.

The ghost king in the house has just broken through, but the black smoke ghost king has been the peak of the ghost king for hundreds of thousands of years. He has rich experience in fighting, and his magic weapons and armor are not comparable to them.

Even if the people on the scene rush up, it may not be his opponent. What's more, there are three ghost marshals and ten thousand hell Angel legions. Each of the four ghost kings in zangsiling has the highest strength of the ghost king.

It can even be said that the four of them are the strongest four in the underworld.

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