Willis was fed up with the light and spoke Chinese.

Just now, Kong Xuan changed Willis' memory to Chinese.

When Li Zhi came to Willis, he stepped on his chest and said, "your name is Willis Mo Er... Bruch, right?"

Reading this name, Li Zhi almost bit his tongue. How can this bastard get such a bad name.

Now Venice doesn't dare to offend Li Zhi any more.

"Yes, I'm Willis, but I'm the great Bruch family! You are insulting the Brooks by treating me like this. My Brooks will never let you go, you damned yellow people... "

Before he finished, old Prime Minister Bigan took a board in his hand and gave Willis a hard slap in the face.

"Little barbarians, how dare you do that? I've seen you and others in ancient books. Dashang has conquered them before. You are backward and don't know the etiquette. You are not as high as Dongyi and other barbarians."

Bigan remembered that these white skinned barbarians had been beaten just like their grandson.

Moreover, they are extremely backward, and now even the etiquette and writing have not appeared, which is far from the development of big business.

So in those days, the big merchants didn't even have the interest to conquer them.

Willis was stunned by the small board. He cried out: "ah, you old man dare to beat me. I'll suck up your blood and tear you to pieces later!"

Li Zhi felt the strength of Willis. The so-called Baron should be the strength between inborn and Jindan at most.

Li Zhi grabbed Willis by the neck and lifted him in the air.

See Li Zhi cold voice say: "I advise you best obediently cooperate with me, otherwise I don't mind strangling you."

Then Li Zhi clasped his hand tightly, and Willis felt that his neck was almost broken.

At this time, he knew that the strength of these people was not what he could compete with.

Willis did not dare to be arrogant any more. He nodded quickly: "yes... Don't kill me. I dare not, my Lord."

Li Zhi threw Willis on the experimental platform and quickly imprisoned his limbs.

He said: "Uncle Huang, Princess Ai, I'll tell you about the characteristics of vampires."

Li Zhi also told Fei Yuhe about the habits of vampires and all the things about sucking blood and developing descendants.

Fei Yuhe nods when she hears Li Zhi's words. She is extremely intelligent and thinks of what Li Zhi wants to do.

Can't help but ask: "sire, must but want to let his blood and former serum combine?"? And then produce an army? "

Li Zhi smile, "or rain lotus smart, know my heart."

Fei Yuhe nodded. Knowing that the task was heavy, she said, "Your Majesty, although I'm willing to do my best, I can't guarantee that I can work it out..."

Li Zhi also knows what Fei Yuhe is worried about. After all, Dashang's current gene development technology is really not high, which leads to Fei Yuhe's not sure to research it out.

There are still some impressions about those scientists in all the world, Li Zhi.

However, it is obvious that the original world to which Li Zhi belongs is definitely not good. Although those scientists are also very powerful, they are still in a state of groping.

But in those high-level world, there should be no problem.

He suddenly thought of a person.

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