Focus on Li Zhi.

Li Zhi took a pitiful look at Heiyan and waved his hand. His fingertips shot a spark.

Let black burning ghost emperor strange is that Mars did not fly to him, but fell to the ground.

For a moment, Heiyan did not know what to do. Did Mars not let it fall to the ground or evade?

But is the words that black inflammation dodges right in the eye?

So he stood with you and did not move.

The Mars thrown by Li zhishou's fingertips penetrated into the ground, and then a huge lotus appeared on the ground. The red lotus, with a diameter of more than ten meters, started from the foot of Heiyan. Most people didn't know what it was, but a few people knew it,

"Red lotus industry fire!"

Of course, the black flame ghost emperor also knew the red lotus fire. Seeing the red lotus fire in an instant, he was scared to death. He wanted to escape, but the red lotus fire had caught his karma.

Making him unable to break away, he was directly pulled to the six samsara.

All the ghosts looked at Li Zhi pale.

At this moment, fear has been buried in the soul, if it is more terrible than the soul, it is to fall into the six paths of reincarnation forever, not to exceed life.

Those who don't know what the red lotus fire is, or where Heiyan is swallowed by the red lotus fire, the ghosts know the power of the red lotus fire only after asking. When they know that the red lotus fire can bring the soul into the six paths of reincarnation and never surpass life, these people feel that the soul should not be like this.

"Well, don't look at it like this. I'll do whatever I'm going to do. Heiyan ghost emperor should be the assassin's mace of zangsi ghost emperor. Now that he's dead, no matter how powerful he is, zangsi ghost emperor can't beat you thousands of forces. Don't break up with each other. If I know who does this, I'll fall into six cycles forever, And to convey my words to those who didn't show up, this time among you,... Let the evil opinion take charge of it, just according to his plan. "

Li Zhi's words are all in the tone of command. But the people who heard his words did not dare to express their dissatisfaction, and even behaved like their grandson.

With Li Zhi's words all gone, the king of the mirror asked: "your honor has such words, so zizangsiling is finished. You can take a breath. What are we going to do next?"

Compared with the horror of other ghosts, the ghost king of Yinfeng and the ghost king of Mingjing have been with Li Zhi for some time. They know that although Li Zhi is very hot, he is still very good to his own people.

No matter how terrible the fire is, it will not burn itself.

Li Zhi said noncommittally: "now we don't do anything, just watch the fun. I've finished what we should do. If this group of people can't swallow zangsiling, they will be wasted to the extreme. Remember what I told you, you've been with us for so long, and I won't treat you badly. Zangsiling will be your territory in the future."

When they heard Li Zhi's words, they shivered,

"My Lord, do you mean to give us zangsiling?"

Li Zhi looked at their excited look and said faintly, "don't be excited. I have long said that the power in the secular world doesn't matter to me. Besides, it's just a territory."

Li Zhi is not a ghost. He doesn't plan to stay in the underworld. Li Zhi's power is still in the world. Of course, he doesn't care about things in the underworld.

In a sense, this is also the identity of Li zhichaotuo relative to the underworld.

But these words let the wind ghost king and the mirror ghost king two people more firmly believe that this is not the identity of ghosts and gods?

Instead of being stun by the pie, they said, "my Lord, if you don't give us zangsiling, the leaders who have worked hard this time will be unconvinced. Besides, our strength can't protect here!"

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