Li Zhi motioned to her to carry Hua Shi.

Hua Shi's face changed when he saw Zhuang Furong. He looked at her smile and would faint when she came. He cried out: "hurry up, please ask her to carry me!"

Interestingly, it seems that they are old friends, and Li Zhi shows a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Go on, Zhuang Furong is a woman after all. She talks a lot. From her mouth, Li Zhi comes to know everything that Li Zhi wants to know about Zhongli in the God's valley. Even Hua Shi's first kiss was destroyed on Zhuang Furong thousands of years ago.

Li Zhi is very clear that this is true.

As for how to verify the information, it's easier to ask Huashi directly.

Hua Shi is a lie detector in Li Zhi's eyes.

In addition to the verification of the first kiss, Huashi spirit couldn't bear to faint, the rest of the time tried bailing.

Zhuang Furong is different from other ghosts in the underworld. She is cultivated by a stone in the nether world.

It has the rules of the underworld itself, and can even control the land of the underworld.

Because she learned that her sweetheart was trapped in the prison Valley, she even challenged the rules of the underworld.

There are rules to control the soil in her.

What does it mean that there is no complete restriction in the prison Valley?

Zhuang Furong, who usually has a lot of words, also keeps quiet when she mentions Liyou.

Under the severe coercion of Li Zhi, he revealed what he knew.

Liyou is a different kind of ghosts and gods. The process from Liyou to ghosts and gods is only a few hundred thousand years. If other ghosts and gods want to become ghosts and gods, they have to practice for countless years, even tens of billions of years.

But it took Li you hundreds of thousands of years to cultivate to the point that other people look up to.

And the place where he was imprisoned turned out to be the cold pool of the underworld.

Zhuang Furong trembled when she mentioned that place.

In front of the dark cold pool, Li Zhicai realized why Zhuang Furong and Hua Shi were afraid of this place.

If the prison Valley is golden and the light is irritating, then the cold pool is absolutely black.

Even if you come from the underworld, you can feel the bone cold.

A river that can't see where it comes from passes by from afar. Both the ground and the sky become gray. The river seems to be still, and there are no waves. But in front of the gray and black land, you can hear the sound of water clattering and the shrill cries of countless grievances.

There is infinite karma in every water molecule.

At the end of the wide Styx river is the dark cold pool.

Compared with the majestic Youming River, Youming cold pool is a bit of a tiger head and snake tail.

It's less than ten square meters, which condenses the prison valley. When all the black river water flows into it, it's like entering a bottomless cave.

It's so quiet that there's no sound in the air.

With Li Zhi's physical strength, in front of the endless cold, I feel that my skin and bone marrow are going to freeze.

But he did not tremble like Zhuang Furong and Hua Shi.

Li Zhi discovered that the closer it was to the dark cold pool, the energy of Yuanshen seemed to be active.

Under the cold pool, there was a voice calling for Li Zhi, who jumped into it without hesitation.

Zhuang Furong covers her mouth. Hua Shi's eyes turn and faints. It doesn't matter if Li Zhi jumps down. The most important thing is that Hua Shi faints because Li Zhi enters with his favorite weapon!

In the cold pool, Li Zhi and consciousness will be separated.

Li Zhi felt that he was floating all the time. The water around him seemed to be not liquid, but steel constantly squeezing his body, countless ghosts.

Now Li Zhi's body is attacked, and the black cold pool is followed by the waves. A god of the emperor breaks through the water.

It's the spirit of Li Zhi. With the appearance of the spirit, Li Zhi's body regained its vitality, and a steady stream of ghost power flowed along Li Zhi's body into the soul Taking Pearl of the spirit.

At this time, the soul shooting pearl, which had been solidified into a solid body, was as bright as a black pearl.

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