Some people believe in superstition, while others don't. emperor Wuhao is an example.

Different from the people under Emperor Wu Ying, Emperor Wu Hao belongs to Wang Hao's lineage and controls most of the power of the Kingdom, while Emperor Wu Ying is a beloved wife. Miluo is an ordinary woman.

At this time, the queen took the opportunity to instigate, so that the king was very angry. She rubbed the emperor's eagle and killed Miluo.

Emperor Wuying rushes to crown and turns into a beautiful woman. Risking the world's inaction, he steals the family's Youxi order and enters the underworld, which leads to later events. Li Zhi interrupts emperor Wuying with a wave of his hand,

"What is the order of study tour?"

Emperor Wu Ying took out a brass token from his arms, on which was written the word you.

Li Zhi found that the token contained space rules, which made him feel strange.

The sigh of Emperor Wu Ying Chenchen,

"This token can only be used by monarchs of past dynasties. You can experience anywhere in demon world, demon world, secluded world and underworld."

He sighed, and a little worry flashed in his eyes,

"That Emperor Wu Hongbo is my uncle and my father's brother. He was originally responsible for guiding and summoning those who were lost in the four planes and had no firm mind. This time, the queen might have done something. She even sent Emperor Wu Hongbo to arrest me. There was a conflict between me and him. He clearly wanted to kill himself."

Li Zhi was dizzy when he heard that it was the relationship between the royal families, so he said to Raul, "where are the Yusi and the broken army now?"

Li Zhi, who thought that Rolle, whose ability was not outstanding, was unscathed. Then they must have done nothing to break the army. The original Rolle had just had an intimate contact with Li Zhiyou and absorbed Li Zhi's life essence. He thought of Li Zhi's question and immediately woke up from his practice.

"No! Elder brother you Ruo and elder brother who broke the army were sent to other planes by the master of this castle in the air! "

After a word, even an inch of gold and fox face changed, the master's power others don't know, they are too familiar with.

The master's strange and incomparable soul flame made them shiver together and led them to the mysterious square.

Rolle gave a detailed account of what happened at that time.

Li Zhi felt the array on the ground and marveled again. This array is so precise and complex that it can even catch up with the star array that reverses the sky.

To be fair, Li Zhi, with his current array attainments, can't depict such an array. After watching this array for a long time, Li Zhi can't see where the dark magic city is sent.

Which Emperor Wu Ying, who came with him, said in surprise: "isn't this TND the star array of Yantian gate?"

Li Zhi seems to have found hope.

Li Zhi seized him by the shoulder and said, "you, what do you say is the Yantian gate?"

Emperor Wu Ying frowned,

"Second plane."

After listening to the narration of Emperor Wu Ying, Li Zhi marvels that a school of cultivation based on array can occupy a place in the second plane. It's hard to believe and even more incomprehensible that this array seems to have been portrayed thousands of years ago. Is it possible that the owner of this castle in the air has always wanted to go to the second plane?

Isn't there a conspiracy?

However, no matter what, the second plane is sure to go. Li Zhi can't look at his brothers and women in danger and ignore them. He frowned and said cautiously: "what is the strength of yantianmen?"

Emperor Wu Ying thought about it for a moment, and then said, "just send a hall leader and you can kill the ninth and all the people."

Seeing Li Zhi's bad face, Emperor Wuying said immediately, "well, if I didn't get hurt, I guess it would be the level of the leader of their sub hall."

Li Zhi is a cool spirit, a ghost of the underworld, almost like a hall leader?

And TND?

Li Zhi made an evaluation for himself. If he removed the Shenjia, he estimated that he could not even catch up with a hall leader.

Luo Er stares at Emperor Wu Ying,

"Damn, you are a prince. Why can't you catch up with the leader of a small sect?"

Emperor Wu Ying's face turned red, while Miluo quietly defended his beloved,

"The prince is one of the four most outstanding talents in our kingdom."

The public realized that Emperor Wu Ying's face was more red.

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