After that, he drank and ate meat in the cave, looking forward to being close to his Majesty the next day.

That night, jade Pipa Jing also went to Jiang Ziya's museum to see.

She found that there were several couplets pasted in Jiang Ziya's photo gallery, and the couplets were only pasted one by reason, but is it so strange like Jiang Ziya?

On the left is "only talk about the mystery of a group of reason", on the right is "not say ordinary half empty sentence."

Inside there is a couplet: "an iron mouth, to see through people ask bad luck and good luck; Two strange eyes, good view of the world's failure and prosperity

Another one on the table: "the universe in the sleeve is big; The sun and the moon grow in the pot

Looking at the couplet here, the jade Pipa master sneers. She secretly says that she doesn't know who is divining here. She is arrogant and says that she is like a fairy! Dare to say that you know the past and the future!

What jade Pipa master didn't expect was that she arrived at the photo studio early the next day.

But what she did not expect was that when she came here so early, there was a lot of noise and bustle, which made jade Pipa master quite strange. Was she wrong? It seems that there is a living immortal here?

But she herself is a goblin God, naturally does not believe this.

As soon as he saw that the jade lute had a bad taste, he changed his ordinary appearance. He was wearing a heavy filial piety and said to the people around him: "be a gentleman, let me give way, let me calculate a hexagram!"

Her voice is very beautiful, hearing the voice, you know it is a woman.

At this time, the business people were honest and polite, so they dodged one after another.

Jiang Ziya is also doing divination for these people, but suddenly he hears the voice of jade Pipa master. When he looks at it, his heart is clear.

Although Jiang Ziya's accomplishments are not high, his eyesight is still very good.

At a glance, you can see that the jade lute spirit has evil spirit. Think to yourself! What a goblin! When is the time to get rid of monsters today!

Jiang Ziya said to the people around him: "you gentlemen who are determined by your fate, there are old times when men and women are not related. Let the little lady count first! Then come back in turn. "

On hearing this, the people around said, "well, let her come first! It's a woman, after all

At this time, under the Enlightenment of Li Zhi's four books of merit and virtue, Da Shang really knew a lot of etiquette.

The so-called women wrote in Li Zhi's legislation of Shang Dynasty that women's status in society is also very high, which is half of the sky.

Originally in the territory of Da Shang, men were superior to women, and women's social status was very low, as in ancient times. However, under the guidance of the law of business etiquette, women's status was improved a lot.

Li Zhi knows that the promotion of women's status is also conducive to social stability.

Li Zhi used the four books of merit and virtue to educate all the people. At the same time, he also made the society more stable and people more educated and reasonable.

The jade lute master wriggles his waist to Jiang Ziya's entrance and sits down. Then Jiang Ziya says to the jade lute master, "this girl, please have a look with your right hand."

The jade Pipa master thought to himself, it seems that he is also an incompetent person. What he said was divination. Why did he look at Palms?

Then she stretched out her right hand and listened to the pipa master say to Jiang Ziya: "Sir, do you only know how to look at Palms?"

Zi Ya said, "first look, then fortune telling."

The goblin laughed in his heart that Jiang Ziya's skill was not high, and he said a lot.

At this time, Jiang Ziya suddenly put his hand on the foot gate of jade Pipa essence!

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