The cold rain forest can't see the stars. It took Li Zhi a while to find out the fact that it's not easy to distinguish East, West, North and South in the dense jungle. What's more, it's still night, and he feels that the direction is wrong, but he feels that the warmest direction should be right, so he runs in that direction.

But now a huge hillside stands in front of Li Zhi. It's not accurate to say that it's a hillside. It should be a miniature mountain range. Li Zhi's spirit could not be detected thousands of meters away. Watching Li Zhi frown at the hillside, Emperor Wu Ying hesitantly tugs at Li Zhi's clothes,

"What's the matter? Why don't you go? "

There is no place to find, Li Zhi found that in front of them is the destination of the fire polar bear, but the number of polar bears is not one or two! It's a group!

If anyone could see this idea, the polar bears would run away.

But Li Zhi wanted to kill one of them and take it back to Miluo for treatment.

Tell Emperor Wu Ying. Li Zhi goes to the nearest direction. Under the hillside, Li Zhi finds that the soil outside the body of the flaming polar bear is less than a decimeter.

But it was hard and cold. Li Zhi's palm appeared, and the green flame slowly penetrated into the earth under his control. The soil slowly peeled off. As the flame went out, a huge bear face appeared in front of Li Zhi and Emperor Wuying. There was a piece of black hair on his sleeping face because Li Zhi accidentally burned, Since he felt so dull, Li Zhi became bold.

Li Zhi has detected the location of his magic core, right in front of his nose. No wonder they say that the bear's nose is very fragile. The area around Li Zhi is controlled within tens of meters, covering the huge flame polar bear. A wind blade appears on his hand to cut the nose of the polar bear, although Li Zhi does not use the elements in the air very well, But it's not hard to form a plump one.

After discovering that the skin of the flaming polar bear is like steel, Li Zhi speeds up his operation like a fire on the edge. There is a smell of burnt hair in the air. Diwu Ying covers her nose. She doesn't see Li Zhi's bloodthirsty eyes at this time.

In fact, the polar bear has awoken from pain, but under the influence of Li Zhi's field, it can't make a sound, so it can only slowly twist its head in pain, and a red magic core falls into Li Zhi's hand.

Lost the flame of magic core, polar bear eyes turned and fell to the ground powerlessly.

Li Zhixin was relieved when he was successful.

One side of the woods suddenly came a sharp bird call!

A bird as big as a night jumped out of the jungle and gave out a harsh call. After its shrill call resounded, the rolling hills came alive.

Lurking in the fire below, the polar bear was awakened by the bird's call and was furious. This bird is called Guardian bird, which is a strange bird in the second plane. They live together with the northern flame polar bear. They are companions. There are always hundreds of dozens of meters high flame polar bears. When they stand in front of them, Diwu Ying screams and hides behind Li Zhi.

But Li Zhi frowned,

"Damn it! You scared my woman

The polar bear doesn't have such a high IQ that it can't understand what Li Zhi is saying.

However, they feel the evil spirit of Li Zhi.

This powerful evil spirit makes the irascible polar bears a little scared, but the smell of blood in the air makes them ready to move. Li Zhi suppresses the idea of killing all the flaming polar bears. It seems that after absorbing millions of resentments, he wants to kill all the people in his heart.

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