As soon as his voice fell, cicefrey flashed into the dark corner. Li Zhi tried to raise his arm. The pressure in the air seemed to be thicker than that of the second face, but he and Allen didn't get used to it at all.

On the contrary, there was a green light in Allen's body, which seemed very comfortable.

When Li Zhi's divine consciousness was detected, he found that his field had shrunk again, and there was a layer of medium blocking Li Zhi's divine consciousness in the space of tens of meters.

It's just that such intensity is nothing to Li zhilai. It's easy to get through.

When Li zhilai came to outer space, his spirit was shocked, and his spirit felt the vitality of heaven and earth!

The green light on Allen's body is constantly manifesting, and his body is growing slowly. However, compared with his original growth rate of more than 300 years, it's already very fast.

The space that should belong to sisyphili just now. In his space, time becomes very fast. Every minute is equivalent to a year of the outside world. However, when we break through that space, time is still.

Li Zhi let out his divine sense and found that they were surrounded by rocks, which were covered with strong boundaries and were extremely tough.

Li Zhi's divine consciousness can't penetrate, but the rich vitality of heaven and earth is emitted from the border. The small universe in Li Zhi's Dantian is very slow, but when he comes into contact with the vitality of heaven and earth, he cheers up.

There was no movement in Li Zhi's body for a long time.

He greets Li Zhi happily,

"Brother! Where is it? The vitality of heaven and earth is so strong! "

Li Zhi didn't know how to answer. Even he was confused. Did sisfreer create space or send it to another space?

Is the so-called space mage just the one who knows the most about the laws of space? Can he limit the speed of time in his own space?

It's just that the boundary of space is too weak. It seems like a piece of white paper in front of Li Zhi.

But outside the boundary, the boundary is very strong, but Li Zhi can't break through it.

Anyway, it's uncomfortable to be trapped here. Li Zhi tried to attack the stones, but before he touched them, he was rebounded by a powerful force.

Li Zhi had to sit down and think. Yu Ling's words made Li Zhi jump.

"Brother, the smell inside is a bit like that of father."

Li Zhi was shocked!

How can the boundary created by the people of the second plane have the breath of the universe?

Yu Ling came down and asked Li Zhiping to calm down,

"But in terms of strength, it's much worse than my father, and it tastes different."

Li Zhi analyzed it and said to Yu Ling, "Yu Ling, we are trapped here. Do you know how to get out?"

But Yu Ling said, "I think this place is very good. Since my brother came to the second place, the air here is so bad that I have to sleep. It's very difficult to wake up."

Li Zhi estimated that it was the second aspect without the vitality of heaven and earth that made Yu Ling have to sleep.

But Li Zhi is very worried because he is worried about Emperor Wu Ying.

Li Zhi's anxiety was sensed by Yu Ling.

Yu Ling was silent for a while, and he was also trying to figure out a way. Meanwhile, Allan, who was talking to, sir? I didn't see a shadow

Li Zhi is too lazy to explain to Allen,

"I have a guest in me."

The main reason is that you know you can't explain it to him. Arenton is scratching his head. Anyway, he can't think of any good way.

When Li Zhi walked to the stone in front of him and put his hands on the border, Yu lingzai's words suddenly came to Li Zhi's mind,

"Brother! With my ability, I should be able to cross the border, but I can feel that he has the same energy as the magic saber in your Yuanshen. Your magic saber energy is too weak. The natural disaster energy in Zhuguang lightsaber should be able to penetrate the border. The surrounding space is surrounded by the border. Maybe breaking the border can get through the outside world. "

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