Li Zhi was a little puzzled. Isn't the orc in the legend impulsive? Irritable?

Maybe he was too ugly to scare others. However, these problems disappeared in a flash. Although he didn't know the orc's aesthetics, Li Zhi still had confidence in his own project.

The most urgent thing is to find an orc to ask, the direction leading to the imperial city is the direction of the lion capital.

From the side of the Comoros, we know that the orcs who ruled the wild plains ten thousand years ago were not the current wolves, but the lions at that time.

The frost elder should still be in the territory of the lions.

The easiest way for Li Zhi to choose is to find the lion people. The life span of the orcs is longer than that of the human beings. However, two or three hundred years have passed, and now the only person in the know is estimated to be the king of the lion people.

But there was no movement in those huts, just like those abandoned.

When are these orcs going to hide?

All the orcs' movements and expressions in this small village can't escape Li Zhi. Because of this, Li Zhi is a little impatient. Originally, he wanted to kick the door open, but found that there was a shivering old Orc inside the door. Li Zhi changed his mind and stretched out his hand to pull it. He didn't pull it open twice. The third time, the whole house base was shaking. With a loud noise, the door was pulled down by Li Zhi.

"Stop... Stop"

More than a dozen voices were heard behind Li Zhi.

The leader is a tough Tauren with a harpoon in his hand. Behind him are the fishermen, whose legs are trembling,

"You despicable winger, I will not let you succeed even if I fight for the life of iron bull today!"

The Tauren's words, then Li Zhi has been confused, when did he become a pteran?

Is it true that the wingers in their words occupy the city of the sky and have something to do with the wingers that Allen told him?

But I don't have wings.

Li Zhi was extremely cautious when he thought of the loss he had suffered in the hands of the orcs. He used nine points of his strength to meet the harpoon. With a loud bang, the harpoon broke into pieces. The body of the orc flew out and plunged into the soft sand.

Seeing Li Zhi's action, the originally timid orcs took up arms one after another with great indignation,

"Come on, brothers. It seems that the winged people don't want to leave our village alone! We can't let him just kill him! "

Those who were hiding in the room rushed out and surrounded Li Zhi. Looking at the hatred in the eyes of the orcs, Li Zhi nodded. He was not afraid of the mob, but worried about the intensification of the contradictions, so they would not give him directions honestly.

After weighing things up, Li Zhi said helplessly: "wait a minute, don't treat me as a winged tribe. They are birdmen and I am human. You can call me Lord Li Zhi. The purpose of my coming here is to go to Shidu. Who do you know?"

Thinking of this, Li Zhi took out a large number of gold coins from sisipherry during the operation. Originally, he wanted to get the ninth energy coin, but he was afraid that they didn't understand magic, so Li Zhi chose gold coins here.

When the orcs saw the gold coins, they showed a greedy look. At this time, the iron bull who was beaten by Li Zhi rushed over and said, "don't be fooled. Maybe it's a spy who wants to use us to fight into Shidu!"

The Tauren was clumsy, but smart.

Li Zhi is not only angry but also funny when he looks at the wake-up of his acquaintances.

"As I said, don't tell me. Don't treat me like a pteran or a birdman. Does that pteran hate you? Do I look like them? "

Tie Niu looks at Li Zhi and thinks about it.

"Only the as like as two peas are the same as human beings. If you want to prove that you are not a wing race, then I have to see your wings!"

Li Zhi is a little speechless. This guy is still mentally ill.

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