The orc grabs it with his big hairy claws, dips it with a little sauce and sends it to his mouth. He looks at the orc eating with blood in the corner of his mouth.

Li Zhi also has no appetite. Although he doesn't think he is an elegant and refined person, it's a bit too much to eat half cooked meat with blood with a group of orcs.

When Li Zhigang was about to leave, Tieniu would not talk about the owner of the square, but the tallest werewolf was not willing to stop Li Zhi,

"This guest, the food prepared in our square is the most exquisite. I don't know what you are dissatisfied with. If there are any unique skills that can be displayed!"

It turns out that Li Zhi is regarded as a kicking field. Li Zhi has a headache.

After looking at Li Zhi for a circle, the werewolf suddenly said in horror, "who are you? Who are you and what is your purpose? "

The orcs who eat here immediately put down their food as if they were facing the enemy.

But Li Zhi is very leisurely, but he exudes a trace of hegemony,

"I'm human. I came here to have a meal by the way."

A man comes to eat in the orc's imperial city?

If you put this in anyone's ear, it will be a lie, and people around you are ready to move.

Tie Niu's back is sweating. I'm afraid so many people can kill him and Li Zhi all at once?

At this time, it's too late to regret. After what happened just now, the bustling square became silent, and all the voices could not be heard. The gas of fireworks came into Li Zhi's stomach.

Then the sound of grunt rang out. This is the voice of Li Zhi's belly, but this voice touches the strong orcs.

They rushed to Li Zhi. Knowing that it was hard to escape the death of tie Niu, they broke an abandoned iron frame into two and wanted to make the final resistance.

All of a sudden, the concrete body of the iron ox was fixed, and the action on his hand was hundreds of times slower. On the contrary, the orcs who came were more strange, they seemed to be motionless.

In addition to the square, there are a few particularly powerful can barely move, but the action is very slow.

The rest of the people basically did not move. Li Zhi pulled out a fork inlaid with gems from the space and fixed his eyes on a piece of roast wild beef that was already medium cooked. Li Zhi found a small brush in the system space, dipped a little sauce on the meat, and then Li Zhi put it in his mouth.

The first feeling is very hot. The hot bison has just been taken from the charcoal fire. I'm afraid anyone will be scalded.

But is Li Zhi an ordinary person?

He quickly adjusted the temperature and then came, but now the meat quality and the golden sauce exude a charming fragrance.

The sauce is very simple, just some spices, but the sauce is delicious.

Li Zhi found that the beauty of game came from his mouth. The taste of wild beef was incomparable, and the sauce was slightly salty and spicy.

Mixed with the smoke of charcoal, it's really delicious.

The first bite of beef is Li Zhi's attitude of trying, so the second and third is full of delicious food.

Li Zhi's stomach is full of delicious food. Li Zhi has also found a trick. The flavor of barbecues at different temperatures is different. It's not bad in the state of medium rare, but Li Zhi can only accept medium rare.

Li Zhi, a barbecue with a hint of freshness, tried it and found it was very tender.

Since Li Zhikai ate, there has been the sound of weapons falling on the ground from behind.

The group of people with weapons ready for adults have opened their mouths in horror. Is this guy human?

How can humans eat faster than werewolves and bears?

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