It took him more than ten days for Li Zhi and tie Niu to go through a small principality and come to the southern jungle of the second plane. In the boundless jungle, Li Zhi knew his way to the small world.

If the southern jungle can be regarded as a forest, the polar rainforest that Li Zhi has been to is just a small bush.

The trees in the southern jungle may not be called trees. How many thousands of years have the trees as high as tens of thousands of meters grown?

Li Zhi can't guess his age, and how many of them have become demons?

In a word, after entering the forest, Li Zhi felt that he and tie Niu were two ants. He said that ants were exaggerating. To be exact, they should be some pea particles.

He ran into the jungle like a headless fly. Li Zhicai remembered to call out Allan in his own world. Anyway, Allan is a resident of the southern jungle. If he leads the way, he will surely be able to find the Juling people.

After seeing Alan, the iron ox squatted on the ground in fright. The wild judges had not seen the giant for thousands of years. If Li Zhi hadn't told the iron ox that Alan was his entourage, I'm afraid the iron ox would have pissed in fright.

Allan was taught by the four frost giants in the world. He grew a lot taller and was 500 meters tall.

This is also the performance of his ability growth. After all, the trolls manifest their ability through their body shape.

Alan is very happy to bend down and say to Li Zhi, "my lord hasn't seen you for more than a month. Alan misses you very much, but I'm much more powerful under the guidance of the elder!"

Li Zhi also laughed when he saw that Alan was a happy child,

"Come on! Let's compare and see how much progress you have made? "

Alan is not stupid. He immediately shakes his head,

"I don't want it. You can burn me up with a sky fire. My suit was made for me by Mrs. Pierre. If it's gone, don't I want to be naked?"

Li Zhi looks at the clothes with big holes on Allen's body. Li Zhi feels a little guilty. After so many hardships, he has regarded Allen as his partner.

As the boss, can't you put on your own clothes?

This idea made Li Zhi feel very ashamed. When he heard the dialogue between Li Zhi and Allen, tie Niu was terrified. Although he was a little strange about how Li Zhi accepted the giant, there was no doubt that Li Zhi's position in his heart had improved a lot.

He is also aware of his own shortcomings. Let alone Allen, Li Zhi's little finger can make him fly out. If he doesn't improve his strength well, what qualifications do he have to follow Li Zhi?

So after Li Zhi sits on Allen's shoulder, tie Niu shakes his head. He has to walk behind Allen's feet to improve his strength and speed. Originally, Allen didn't pay attention to tauren, but seeing that he is so ambitious, he can't help but respect him.

Li Zhi understands what tie Niu wants. He wants to teach him a skill. Otherwise, he can't catch up with him.

Seeing that the iron ox is barely behind, Li Zhi is also relieved to learn about the situation of the southern jungle with Allen. He thought there were at least a thousand of them in the southern jungle, but when he talked with Allen, Li Zhi realized that the newborn and the dying spirits add up to more than 300 people. Most of them are level 6 or above spirits, and they are extremely powerful.

After all, the weaker ones had already died in the battle.

When Li Zhi was thinking about the fierce war, a cry came from the iron ox behind Allen,

Nanmu jungle is not a safe place. On the contrary, with the height of Li Zhi and tie Niu, as long as they come in, they are at the bottom of the food chain.

I met a few ladybugs earlier, which made iron bull busy for a while. Along with Allen and Li Zhi, they sat on the tree stump waiting for him for a while. But this time, in front of iron bull was a giant ant more than five meters, which raised its mouth clip to iron bull.

Although this creature is very small, it can barely eat.

Tie Niu gave a loud drink and hit the back of the ant with a fist.

The ant stumbled and fell to the ground, but it got up again in an instant.

Open mouth toward the iron ox angrily rushed over, iron ox's attack even ants shell are not broken.

Let alone hurt his body.

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