Li Zhi ignored Yuan Hong. He turned his head and looked at Gao Ming and Gao Jue. Seeing their arrogant looks, he thought Li Zhi had not guessed their origins.

"You two are just ghosts and gods. Relying on the statue of a broken temple, do you think you are real immortals? Believe it or not, I sent someone to Qipanshan to burn your two wooden statues! Let you be ghosts

A word finish saying, frighten Gao Ming, Gao Jue facial expression a change!

Only then did I know that the emperor could not be provoked! I can't stir it up!

Li Zhi is obviously not ready to stop. If he doesn't shock you, how can he subdue you?


See Li Zhi Old God said: "Yuan Hong, there are five immortals in the sky, which are heaven, earth, man and ghost; There are five insects, which are the scales and feathers of the oyster

"You are not heaven, not earth, not God, not human, not ghost, not scale, not feather, not Kun. I know that there are four kinds of monkeys in the world, which do not belong to ten kinds. "

"The first is the Lingming stone monkey, who knows the changes, the time, the location and the stars."

"The second is chijiri horse monkey, who knows Yin and Yang, knows human affairs, is good at going in and out, avoids death and prolongs life."

"The third is the monkey with arms. He takes the sun and the moon, shrinks the mountains, distinguishes the blame, and plays tricks on heaven and earth. The fourth is the six eared macaque, good at listening, able to observe, know before and after, everything is clear. These four monkeys do not belong to ten species, and do not have the name of two

"Before Lingshi was born, chijiri horse monkey knows Yin and Yang, avoids death and prolongs life. He will not enter the world. Six ears know everything, so he will not easily participate in the disaster. Yuan Hong, you have a long arm, so you should know ape?"

Yuan Hong's cold sweat came out and soaked his clothes.

Yuan Hong swallowed his saliva and said dryly, "Your Majesty is really powerful. I didn't expect that your Majesty would make it clear about our life experience! But your majesty, Yuan Hong is here to be loyal to your majesty! It's just that your majesty doesn't believe in us, and we can't! If we want to get rid of demons and demons, we won't give up! "

At the end of the day, Yuan Hong was afraid, but he was desperate.

Li Zhi laughed: "so what about ghosts? Who says evil is bad? In my eyes! Only loyal! And unfaithful! I'm glad you'll come and join us. Just now it's just a joke. Don't care. "

Yuan Hong, clever, Gao Jue found that Li Zhi's mind was deep at this time!

As soon as they arrived, Yuan Hong felt that they all said that the emperor's mind was superior. Now it seems that it is more than superior! It's horrible!

Listen to the above Li Zhi continue to say: "since you have come, you will be given a task, now the East China Sea Pingling king is in trouble, I have sent a large army, Gao Ming, Gao Jue, you two go to help!"

Gao Ming and Gao Jue didn't expect to have a mission as soon as he came here.

Li Zhi continued: "temporarily appoint you two as generals."

Obviously, Gao Ming and Gao Jue didn't expect that they were appointed generals as soon as they arrived.

They knelt down to the ground and said to Li Zhi, "thank you, your majesty!"

As if Li Zhi had not finished his words, he said to Gao Ming and Gao Jue, "don't worry. Two days later, you can send another army to support Donghai."

Two people bow down again, thanks long en.

Yuan Hong is a little worried. Although he came with Gao Ming and Gao Jue, Gao Ming and Gao Jue have become generals. He is still a white man now!

Can't help but say: "Your Majesty... Grass people are willing to go to the battlefield!"

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