Back to the greedy wolf, Li Zhi didn't tell him about finding Mitchell. It's a potential danger to help his woman end up. What Li Zhikai should do is secretly interrogate several bat people again. When Li Zhi sends out some sky fire to send one of them to hell very slowly, they finally agree to lead themselves to the city of the sky.

Li Zhi has always wondered that the nine level giant can't see the city of the sky with a height of one million meters. Is he outside this plane?

In fact, Li Zhi's conjecture is not bad. A group of people in the sky city are really in the space crevice of the second plane, which is a space crevice. There are many strange arrays in it, but in Li Zhi's eyes, these arrays are insurmountable.

Let's say that there is a magic array in the sky city. The magic array is in the sky city. Thinking that he was still wearing the Shenjia or the God of array, Li Zhi was not only amused, but also surprised to see the sky city in front of him. His open mouth was not to say how magnificent the sky city was, which was beyond Li Zhi's expectation. It was not simple, but... It was no different from the dark abyss that Li Zhi had been to.

The building of these people must be the murderer who imprisoned the four frost giants. According to Li Zhi's conjecture, that person is probably the so-called God of array, and he and his Liang Zi have been married.

Li Zhi's secret body shape. This kind of magic is effective for every ORC. The pterion is also an orc, and not everyone is a greedy wolf. The five senses are so keen.

As like as two peas, Li Zhi, who was familiar with the topography and occasionally gave him a divine understanding of the East, soon found a hall of the East and found the same high priest of the Guangming people who was the same as Benny.

When Li Zhi came into the room, the high priest of the Guangming clan was in a daze. Next to him was an empty chair with tea on it and hot air on the sprinkler. The high priest of the Guangming clan looked very similar to Benny.

However, he looked much younger than Benny. Li Zhi sat down on the table impolitely, took up the tea and drank it. The high priest was shocked by the floating tea, but he soon calmed down and said to Li Zhi, "here you are."

Li Zhi removed his invisibility,

"It's worthy of being the high priest of the Guangming clan. Even when I come back, it's clear."

There was irony in the words.

When the high priest heard the irony in Li Zhi's words, he had no choice but to give a bitter smile,

"I've lived for more than 10000 years, and my ability is not comparable to that of Benny. In order to follow the true meaning of the prophet's alien race, I betrayed the temple and came here. But when I can figure out everything, I find that it's not good."

Li Zhi nodded slightly at his statement. The high priest continued: "when my family and friends die one by one, and I am still alive, sometimes I don't know what the meaning of my life is, but the things about you are also a mystery to me. I think you are asking about the result of this battle? In fact, not only orcs, the so-called light Protoss in this face, but also humans in the second face will be destroyed in the battle

When the priest said this, his face turned gray and then red again,

"The behavior of those people will offend the space law of the first plane, and the second plane will be destroyed!!

"Destruction and the whole plane will be destroyed! Ha ha

First plane and second plane?

What's going on?

In Li Zhi's opinion, all this is a little frowning, which makes the high priest of the Guangming clan who Mitchell is afraid of. Li Zhi thinks that he should not lie.

But look at the crazy look of this guy. If he laughs like this, I'm afraid he will be attracted by the first one of sky city. At this time, Li Zhi took out the linen bag, which Benny gave him.

The high priest, with his eyes full of light, was about to pounce on him. Li Zhi stepped back and hid behind him,

"I'm here to ask how to remove the scourge from the greedy wolf."

When the high priest heard what Li Zhi said, he shook his head,

"I didn't expect that your guy should give you such an important thing. I thought he would keep it as a talisman. After all, it's not easy for the prophet to keep his life in this battle."

Li Zhi said coldly, "you don't have to worry about it. Naturally, I have a way to protect him."

The high priest said, "well, it's not that there is no way to relieve this, but no one will carry such a black pot. As long as we can find a new and strongest fusion object, and find a willing person to bear the pressure and punishment of the scourge for her, we can transfer the identity of the scourge to the past."


This word reminds Li Zhi of the magic core of the polar bear king. The last time he healed Miluo, Li Zhi used an ordinary polar bear, the magic core of the flame Polar Bear King.

And polar bear's magic core has always been in his own hands.

He said to the high priest, "do you think this will work?"

Seeing this, the high priest said, "great, it's much easier to have this thing, but you must be careful when selecting the person to be transferred. If you hesitate, then both of you will be in danger."

Li Zhi sent the bag, but the high priest's hand did not tremble. As a result, it seemed to be holding a very important keepsake.

The white light opened from the mouth of the bag, leaving only a piece of paper with only a few words on it. Old friend, we forgive you.

The high priest frowned and suddenly laughed at the words.

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