When Yuexu Sanren saw Raschel, there was a little hesitation in his eyes.

It's not that Raschel is powerful. What he fears is that those people behind Raschel will become stronger battles if they don't deal with them properly.

But at present, no one wants to see the situation, he is trying to stop and pull up, but when attacking, he heard a roar behind him.

Li Zhi's eyes are red with blood, and his face is full of madness, which is the symbol of the scourge on his forehead.

He wanted to replace his reason, and the natural disaster energy contained in it was suppressing himself. The two kinds of feelings have been colliding now.

The colliding Li Zhi has a headache and is about to go crazy. He is eager to vent his pain. The oncoming attack and the energy that makes him familiar with and disgust become the object of his venting.

Raschel's body stopped in the middle of the air, his body flashing blue sky fire, after the fire appeared that day, the nearby air began to burn.

Yuexu Sanren's attack hit Raschel who was full of flames without any hindrance, and completely limited Raschel's chance to put out the fire. Everyone saw that the situation was urgent, and murphyl rushed over with a roar. He was very regretful.

Li Zhi's air field can't cause any obstacles to meffel's action. Meffel has killed the sky fire on Raschel with a wave of his hand. Feeling the surging water energy in the sky fire, meffel raises his eyebrows in doubt.

Raschel instantly returned to normal. He looked at Li Zhi darkly and said, "I didn't expect that you really dare to come to the first meeting, but this time I won't let you go easily."

His tone was vicious and chilling, but now he was burned like a beggar by Li Zhi. It was not so frightening to say threatening words.

Raschel's long, glittering golden hair was burned straight into an inch.

Behind the wings are burned feathers bent, like roasted chicken wings.

Li Zhi doesn't pay any attention to him, or he can't hear it now.

The crazy killing was in his mind.

The energy of natural disaster suppresses Li Zhi.

However, it's unexpected that Li Zhi is very happy now. All of this reverberates in his mind because fortunately he has transferred the energy of natural calamity and the symbol of the scourge. Otherwise, isn't it the greedy wolf who is suffering now?

Raschel yelled for a long time, but Li Zhi didn't respond. His face turned red.

At this time, a muffled smile came from the distance.

Raschel's anger was ignited, and he rushed to Li Zhi with a wild cry.

With the momentum of thunder, even Yuexu Sanren was shocked at this time. He didn't expect that Athena risked the world not only to pour her energy into Raschel's body.

Now Raschel is no longer the second plane child, and the energy in his body is no less than that in Murphy.

You know, murphyl's strength is just a little bit worse than Yuexu Sanren's.

His strength is also in the top 100 of the whole college.

Murphyl stops Yuexu Sanren at the moment when Raschel rushes to Li Zhi.

His eyes with provocative eyes, but he said kindly: "let the students solve the students' problems, and our instructors don't participate in it. Of course, I can learn the tricks of scattered people."

Angry month empty scattered people almost angry out laughing, this guy clearly has a western face, but use my Oriental vocabulary.

Murphy's image at this time is really silly to the extreme.

What's more, a student who has studied for many years can't see fairness to the last one who just registered.

Yue Xu calmly looked at the arrogant murphyl in front of him and said coldly, "if you want to fight me, I'll fight with you, but don't be as miserable as last time."

After one sentence, meffel's face became very ugly. He showed a boundless black air, which surrounded him and made his face ferocious. No one found that the black air of meffel was absorbed by Li Zhi.

They also did not find that the breath from Li Zhi affected Raschel and even their mind. When Raschel just rushed to Li Zhi's side, his body slowly slowed down.

Li Zhi's head came the pain of beating, squatting on the ground in pain, making an inhuman roar.

Li Zhi squatted on the ground just to avoid the attack of lalalaer.

And Li Zhi gives out a painful roar, which makes murphyl's hand shake.

The attack deviated from Li Zhi's move.

In an instant, a flat ground of East College was blasted out of a crack.

Li Zhi takes a look at Raschel's eyes with the intention of killing him. He will never forget that it was this boy who made the greedy wolf look like a little wolf.

Raschel looks at Li Zhi with red eyes. His heart trembles. The fear hidden in his memory stimulates his nerves. He roars,

"You are the devil, you devil, you damned scourge! I'll kill you and get back the source of the universe that belonged to me

Yuexu Sanren's face changed when he heard Raschel's words, and murphyl's face, who was fighting with him, was not much better. We all knew that an unbearable storm had happened.

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