On Li Zhi's face, there is a rune, which looks a little like the pattern of Troy.

The pattern on the Trojan badge seems to be printed on Li zhinao's forehead.

At this time, the dean of the East College of inter college talks with the seven killing gods who are wandering outside.

If Li Zhi is here, he will find that the temperament of the dean and the Qi Sha Tian Zun are so similar!

In front of the dean of the East College, Qi Sha Tian Zun stood there like a pupil, with respect in his eyes. He said: "Master Li Zhi is not an ordinary person. He can even dissolve the curse of heaven and devour the source of the universe. If he can recruit for himself, he will become our strongest assistant in dealing with the West College in time!"

The face of the dean of the East College showed a profound smile. No one knew what he was thinking. After listening to the words of the seven killed Tianzun, he calmly said, "is it the scourge of heaven?"

Qi Sha Tian Zun nodded: "yes."

"But you don't know one thing, he has a Trojan badge," said the dean of the eastern college

Even if it's seven kill Tianzun, no matter how strong he is, he can't breathe cold.

He was shocked and said, "what! Trojan badge? It's missing, isn't it? "

The dean of East College shook his head and said, "no one except the senior management knows that the Trojan badge is the student badge of East College. I was also negligent at the beginning. If you had seen that badge in advance, you would not have made such a big mistake now."

There is a student badge in the hands of the East Dean, which is a little different from the badge of Troy, but a closer look shows that the two are related.

Qi Sha Tianzun didn't speak. He didn't expect that it was the Trojan badge that helped Li Zhi resist the disaster. The dean of East College said helplessly: "are you complaining that master didn't let you study in the college? You know, things in this college are very complicated. I don't want you to be involved in it. "

With these words, the Dean was a little rusty and said, "no, master, I just want to know what kind of material the badge of the college is made of to absorb natural disasters?"

But the dean's face changed after hearing these words, and he was surprised to see that Qi Sha Tian Zun had said something wrong.

After standing there for two long years, the dean said, "I know. You can do everything else. If you don't contact me during this period, try not to contact me. You should go to other places to avoid. This thing has been quiet for a long time."

Qi Sha Tian Zun was surprised. He knew that it would not help at this point, so he nodded,


The Dean waved, the image inside the room disappeared, and felt several strong breath one after another. There was a cold look on the dean's face. These guys from the West University were too arrogant.

It seems that they regard other people's tolerance as fear. The East College must teach them some lessons. These birders can't succeed in some things they want to do. When the pressure comes, the president of the East College has a strange look on his face.

I didn't expect that this group of birdmen startled the man.

No one knows Yu Wuji, and no one dares not to sell his face.

After watching Athena be easily driven away, the students were boiling.

In this atmosphere, Li Zhi went out to live on Troy without any hostages. The name of yuwuji has covered up Troy.

Only at this time did Li Zhi realize that the first plane he saw was the huge galaxy formed by that galaxy, which was the whole inter college.

In this place, every student can occupy a planet. They can go wherever they like, regardless of others. The East College he sees now is the headquarters.

The camp of inter college is divided into East and West colleges. The West College is regarded as the gods of Eastern Europe and Western mythology with incomparable noble blood, while the East College has a wide range of identities. This difference in identity is the reason for the struggle between the East and the West colleges. Some of the West colleges have protested for many times, and the East College has nothing to do with education, which is really destroying the inter college system.

The gods, who believe that the blood is pure, do not want to let those of unknown origin. Having the same student identity as the unidentified students, originally there was no such thing in inter college. However, when Athena and others entered the first place, inter college became unstable.

After listening to this history, Li Zhi had no choice but to turn a blind eye. He knew that the relationship between things and those gods would be complicated.

It's like the human relationship in Western mythology.

Li Zhi also hates being called a God in front of him. He doesn't like it. Of course, he doesn't like the doctrine of the mean of East University. But when people bully him, the dean will not swallow his anger. At this time, Li Zhi shows an evil smile.

The strange Rune on his face makes Yuexu loose. He doesn't know why. He always thinks that the future of this weak looking young man is immeasurable. One day, he will even occupy the realm he looks up to. Maybe because of this, when Yuexu looks at Li Zhi, he doesn't even find that he is respectful.

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