The woman said something in embarrassment,

"Please... Please let go of the king of Tibetans."

Li Zhi, without waiting for her to finish, immediately said: "impossible, it's impossible, first of all, he was swallowed by me, even if I didn't, I wouldn't let her go. Even if I didn't, there would be future trouble. I don't like the person behind me, so I wouldn't let him go."

The woman sighed and said helplessly: "many things are not what you think. The king of Tibet is just a pawn. Killing him doesn't do you any good. On the contrary, the energy in his body has been absorbed by you. He is a useless man. Letting him go will do you no harm."

And Li Zhi also looked at the woman in front of him and stopped talking.

The woman realized that no matter what she said, it was useless. She sighed,

"In that case, do yourself a good job. I know you should come to the spiritual plane soon. Don't regret it then."

The sound of nature disappeared, and so did the woman's face.

Li Zhiruo is a woman who stands in the same place and savors carefully.

After a long time, determined to show a trace of free and easy.

Who can predict the future things? He just has to go on according to his heart. No matter what difficulties he encounters, he will not easily lose courage.

So far, when Li Zhiqing wakes up, he slowly opens his eyes. He forgets what happened after his coma and lets his eyes fall on the excited greedy wolf.

The greedy wolf showed a smile with popularity in his eyes. However, when Li Zhi saw the people floating in the air, he showed his vigilance. Even now his accomplishments are much higher than those of the dean of East College, but when he saw the man in front of him, he still couldn't give up his vigilance.

This man is very elegant and handsome. He is wearing a robe. The gorgeous pattern of the robe makes Li Zhi marvel, just like a born aristocrat.

"You're the Troy that's sealed in his badge, aren't you? Nice to meet you. I'm Li Zhi, the owner of the Trojan badge. "

Troy laughed with great interest when he heard Li Zhi's words.

The boy's words turn disadvantage into advantage. It's not simple.

Lee Troy nodded his head without any embarrassment. He said kindly, "I heard that you are here to make your woman return to her original state. Is that right?"

Li Zhi's momentum suddenly dropped, and he quickly changed his attitude into a respectful but not boring tone,

"In this way, I hope that the senior can help me fulfill this wish. If I need to be later, I will die."

Troy's interest in the eyes of the more concentrated, he did not expect that this person even directly said the request, there is no sign of gratitude.

Troy's eyes show the light of appreciation. He likes smart people. It seems that Li Zhi is qualified to interview him. His body slowly drops down.

Li Zhi saw clearly that no matter how clear Troy's body was, he was also in the state of his soul.

Li Zhi has a strange idea in his heart. Can he take Troy in?

However, Li Zhi is constantly seduced by his head like a snake. Li Zhi bites the tip of his tongue to get rid of his idea.

Li Zhi thinks that he can't achieve his goal without means, but he can't.

He can't know that Li Zhi is a real man who does this kind of thing when the other party may save his lover. If he has kindness, he will take revenge. Although he doesn't think he is a good man.

But things like this don't go against morality.

Troy felt a threat to his life. This feeling disappeared in a flash, but he was in a cold sweat. Even when he was fighting with the king of Tibet, he didn't have this feeling.

It's a sense of crisis from the soul.

Troy then remembered that one of Li Zhi's magic weapons was specially for dealing with the soul.

And I'm still here to prove that the character of the other side is good.

He looked squarely at the young man in front of him.

Li Zhi's action won Troy's attention, which means that no matter how the current problem is solved, at least Troy puts him on the same level as himself.

This is what Li Zhi needs most so far. Troy finally straightened out his mind. He looked at Li Zhi and said, "do you know the origin of the universe in your body?"

Li Zhi didn't like people mentioning the source of the universe, but he seriously replied: "I know that at first I guessed that it had something to do with the West University, but later it turned out that it did, but I didn't expect the king of Tibet to participate in it. Do you ask what this does have to do with curing the greedy wolf?"

Li Zhi was puzzled, while Troy shook his head and grinned bitterly,

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as you think. Do you think the king of Tibet, who is not supported by anyone, will promise to do this kind of thing? The source of the universe is not so easy to solve. Now as the owner of the source of the universe, you are involved in a trouble. "

Li Zhi felt as if someone had said the same thing to him, but he couldn't remember who he was for a moment. Troy didn't notice Li Zhi's expression, and then said, "I and the king of Tibet belong to the first enemies. Even if I kill him, those people won't ask anything, but you are different. After all, you haven't touched that place, and there are many things you don't understand."

Li Zhiwen was a lot depressed. If he remembers correctly, it seems that Troy kicked the king of Tibet in the last kick.

Otherwise, he would not be able to kill dizang so smoothly. Why did everything fall on him?

Troy doesn't care so much. Anyway, those people can only find out that Li Zhi killed the king of dizang in the end. It has nothing to do with him.

Besides, Troy doesn't worry about any trouble. Li Zhi doesn't worry about so much. He believes that soldiers will come to block the water and cover the land. He doesn't believe that there are only a few people on the spiritual plane, who should have their own enemies?

The enemy of the enemy is a friend. In fact, he thinks that there are many ways to deal with problems, so he doesn't need to worry.

Troy found Li Zhi calm and incomparable, sighed in his heart, maybe it is this kind of open-minded that makes God so favor him?

Listening to the chatter of the people in front of him, from the beginning of his cultivation to how to seal, listening to the buzzing of Li Zhi's head, Troy let Li Zhi go. He looked like he was still in his mind. Li Zhi pretended to be ill for the first time.

The greedy wolf's round eyes have turned into crescent moon, which makes Li Zhi angry.

It turns out that when Troy didn't notice, Li Zhi unconsciously asked about the treatment of greed. Troy found that he would not give up, but he couldn't go back on his promise.

So he chose the language club to bomb Li Zhi.

Since he was able to achieve the goal of bombing, Li Zhi listened to the past, but did not expect Troy to be so fussy, almost reaching the limit of human life!

When he understood that wordiness was also a state, his brain began to hum and his ears began to hum.

Li Zhi had to pretend to be ill. Troy was relieved. He looked at Li Zhi with pride.

However, her face darkened, and Xiaoshan turned back to the unconscious statue. She did not send out any spiritual fluctuation, and did not move again, so she sat there quietly.

The expression is still calm.

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