Xuanyuan Xiaguang looked at the futile Nu Wa and said, "is it enough? At the beginning, the elder sealed you in my body to let you reflect on your sins. Unexpectedly, you didn't wake up and wanted to rob my body. Do you know? The elder tried his best, but in the end it was nothing. They even... "

At this point, Xuanyuan Xiaguang stopped, and said disappointedly, "you still failed to live up to the elder's expectation. The Oriental Medusa is now a demon! Elder mingshe, it seems that you can't use the divine body he prepared for your rebirth. "

At this point, Xuanyuan Xiaguang's tears fell, and Nu Wa was shocked when she heard these words, but her expression flashed away, and then she said bitterly: "Medusa? Well said, I am a half man and half snake monster in your eyes! Your name is Xuanyuan Xiaguang, and I don't even have a surname! The only name is the name of Nuwa's great God. You laugh in the sun, and I linger in the dark. You don't have to say more. You won't believe me! "

Xuanyuan Xiaguang showed a bright smile,

"If that's the case, let you out, you'll be in chaos, but I'm losing the power to bind you. In that case, let's die together!"

Xuanyuan Xiaguang's face showed absolutely.

Feeling something wrong, Li Zhi immediately said: "don't do stupid things, stupid!"

Li Zhi's voice appeared, and Nu Wa's face became cold. She said coldly, "it's you who are helping her. Is this boy Xuanyuan Xiaguang your little friend? No wonder you will wake up at this time. It's all his fault. Good! If you have seed, you will come. I have never been afraid of death for anyone who is afraid of you! "

Li Zhi was shocked to see Xuanyuan Xiaguang's body lying flat. At this time, the moon in the sky was turning into a circle at an extremely slow speed.

Li Zhi saw a black flame gushing from the Xuanyuan glow. Li Zhi was shocked and said, "is this the nine Youming fire of Ming Feng in the legend?"

It's hard to believe that Li Zhi's face became dignified when he thought of all the things in the star emperor's order. Before Yu Wuji handed it to him, he left a message about Xuanyuan Xiaguang and Nu Wa.

It also tells the identity of Xuanyuan Xiaguang. The Xuanyuan family is a big family. There are many branches in the family, including human beings, divine beasts and demons.

At the beginning, all the people had a branch in the ownership of Nu Wa. First of all, she was half human and half snake, not in the demon clan, not in the human race.

The elders can only be the masters, and blame the Shenyuan, who is called the Nuwa people, on the level of the divine beast. The divine beast is arrogant, and they will not exclude Nuwa in any case.

So that Nu Wa's character became very strange.

When she made a terrible mistake, the elders had no choice but to destroy her body to calm her anger.

However, they know that all this has something to do with their original decision.

So this group of people gathered together to seal the soul of Nu Wa in the gentle body of Ming Feng.

Originally, she had the ability to open the space arranged by the elder after the nirvana of Ming Feng, and then put Nu Wa into it. As a result, Nu Wa was awakened by the energy of heaven when she went through a robbery.

Only then discovered this kind of matter, all sorts of helpless under this kind of situation which has not prepared anything, Xuanyuan Xiaguang chooses to take Nu Wa to carry on this kind of Nirvana which has hardly survived.

She is almost determined to die. Li Zhi knows Xuanyuan Xiaguang's intention and stares at her eyes. At the beginning, when she first contacted Xuanyuan Xiaguang, Li Zhi already knew these things. Li Zhi was shocked by this charming girl.

In addition to pity is pity.

At the beginning, when Nu Wa communicated with him, she attracted the attention of Xiao Shan. To know who Xiao Shan was, it was made up of pure spirit. Life was extremely sensitive to any moment. Did Nu Wa dare to come to Xiao Shan's territory to look for trouble?

So he immediately called Troy to inform yuwuji to come.

When Li Zhi wakes up, he feels that something is wrong. Xiao Shan tells him everything, and then defends Nu Wa's human equipment.

When Yu Wuji retrieved Li Zhi's memory, he thought there was no conspiracy, but he hated Nu Wa when he saw the contents of the star emperor's order.

Xuanyuan Xiaguang's body slowly flies up under the gaze of Li Zhi, and the rising black flame engulfs her body.

Li Zhi watched helplessly as the black flame devoured her beautiful body and turned into a black phoenix, with nine feathers behind her, proving her strength.

Xuanyuan Xiaguang is attached to Li Zhifei for several circles, but her beautiful vitality is swallowed up by the fire. At this time, the nine nether fire beat in a strange way.

Li Zhi watched the flame in front of him. There were two figures in the flame, one half snake and one half human, and the other black phoenix.

With the recovery of moonlight, the black phoenix is more and more fierce, and medusa seems to be injured.

However, he is still resisting. Li Zhi understands that the seemingly simple struggle contains the fighting experience of the two. But now Xuanyuan Xiaguang is the most critical time for nirvana. If it fails, it will turn Nirvana into a phoenix egg. Although the phoenix egg can still hatch a small Phoenix, what she will see at that time is not Xuanyuan Xiaguang, but her offspring.

As for Medusa's fate, the flame burning her soul has made her more and more painful. If the nine netherworld fire goes out of control and burns everything on Phoenix, she doesn't realize it, or she does. But if she fails to win, it doesn't matter if she loses her goal, No matter which of these two points is unfavorable to Xuanyuan Xiaguang.

Li Zhi thought of the way she laughed, the way she was embarrassed, the way she was wronged.

Involuntarily close to the nine netherworld fire, I do not know when the figure of Xuanyuan Xiaguang broke into Li Zhi's heart.

Li Zhi can't see her suffering. The closer she gets to the nine nether world fire, the more powerful he can feel it. He can only feel his powerful fire power at the edge.

What's the feeling of Xuanyuan Xiaguang inside?

Li Zhi clenched his teeth with difficulty. At this time, Li Zhi's Rune began to flow, and the golden Rune continued to swim on his body. He felt the flame burning his soul. Li Zhi closed his eyes and said silently: "everyone has a heart of fear, and I also have it. It's understandable for me to shrink back..."

His steps slowly receded, and the runes on his face swam faster and faster. When he heard the wailing inside, Li Zhi bit his teeth and roared again,

"Damn, I've done it!"

When Yu Wuji and Jiao Guang arrived, they could only watch the flame burning helplessly.

At this time, the sound of a phoenix resounds through the world.

Countless flames inhaled into the Phoenix's mouth.

At this time, the appearance of Ming Feng's nirvana and rebirth of Shen Jun made Jiao Guang intoxicated with praise,

"How beautiful

When Yu Wuji saw a triumphant figure sitting behind Xuanyuan Xiaguang, he immediately laughed and scolded,

"Damn it, little bastard, I don't want to worry about it!"

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