But the four people don't believe him so much. After all, if they really fail at that time, they will give up the four of them. Let's not say anything else. With the current national strength of Dashang, they will face any vassal alone. They are afraid that the other party will be beaten and have no fighting back power.

In fact, what they don't know, Li Zhi is sure to solve the war at one time, even in the face of the joint efforts of all the princes in the world.

Is not afraid of the gods behind it!

At this time, Yin Qi stood up, raised his right hand and said, "I swear that if I win the world, the four will be able to rule the world forever, from generation to generation! Jiang Wenhuan, the son of Dongbo Marquis, will also return to Dongchu! If I break this oath, I will be broken to pieces! "

People in this era believe in gods. Hearing what Yin Qi said, they think they can believe him.

As soon as I heard Chonghou Hu say, "in this case, if your highness achieves good things, we will help..."

Other people also have this attitude, to the effect that they will not do things that are rebellious. If you succeed in the rebellion, I will help you.

Especially for Jiang Hengchu, Yin Qi promised to send Jiang Wenhuan back to Dongchu.

Otherwise, Jiang Wenhuan still stays in Chaoge and remains a hostage.

In fact, Jiang Hengchu was wrong. Jiang Wenhuan was not a hostage when he stayed in Chaoge.

It's just that this boy is so happy to be around the emperor that he can not only learn skills, but also feel the vitality of young people!

With Li Zhi's advanced ideas, Jiang Hengchu felt as if he had seen a new world.

The four looked at each other and left.

However, they had different thoughts, and Yin Qi bowed to the woman in the golden dress beside him: "thank you for your help."

The woman said in a low voice, "you don't need to thank me. It depends on how you succeed in the coup."

With that, the woman in gold disappeared.

Yin Qi was relieved, but Li Zhi was upset.

He didn't know why, as if it meant something bad would happen.

After getting up in the morning, Li Zhi felt something was wrong.

Then he changed into casual clothes and changed into a different look. When he went out of the palace, he thought of going to Chaoge other courtyard. In fact, no one knew that it was Li Zhi's courtyard. It was Li Zhi's place. Even the people in the back palace didn't know it.

Seeing that the steam train in Chaoge keeps running, and the people on the street are also full of happy smiles, Li Zhi now thinks that if someone really asks Chaoge people in Dashang whether they are happy or not, most people will say they are extremely happy!

In big business, as long as there is labor, we can get a better life.

It can be said that Li Zhi has made the society enter into co production in advance. As long as there is labor, we can get enough food and clothing.

Of course, there are always some lazy people who want to get something for nothing, but under Li Zhi's new deal, it is impossible for anyone to get something for nothing.

Everyone has to work hard for me. Li Zhiman is walking aimlessly in the street. At the same time, he is also thinking about how to calculate the time and come to Fengshen world. It has been almost four or five years. In these four or five years, Li Zhi knows that he has matured a lot.

And it can be said that the intrigue in the court hall also made him understand a lot.

Originally, Li zhilai was confused in the world, and from now on he became suddenly enlightened. He was already distracted when he thought about things aimlessly

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