The elf looked at Li Zhi with a smile,

"Are you back? You seem to have changed a lot. "

But then he found Li zhitou wave shaped demon clan mark, his small figure rushed to Li Zhi, light aroma, his little hand touched the demon clan mark, he said inconceivably: "how can it be? It turns out to be the long lost demon clan mark in the legend. No one can use this skill except elder tortoise. Have you met him? "

Li Zhi was a little surprised. He put the elf on his shoulder and said, "you know a lot. Are you a demon?"

The elf said with pride, "of course, I'm a demon clan!"

Li Zhi knew that he should have been called a goblin.

Li Zhi put him on the ground and casually asked, "what I promised you before has been done. You see me. Go ahead. What's the matter?"

The goblin quickly said: "I'm not good. I forgot what to tell you. My name is Ma Xiaogui. Just call me Xiaogui."

Ma Xiaogui continued: "in fact, I want to... Ask you if you can help me find elder tortoise in the process of going out, but now you don't need to. You have already met elder tortoise. As long as you are sure that elder tortoise is still there, that's enough for me. Now I want to ask you a question, is the man who comes back with you the demon king mojibei?"

Li Zhi nodded: "Oh? Little fellow, you are very powerful. You feel the news of the demon God King

Ma Xiaogui said excitedly: "really? Is he really beyond the north? Is it off the seal? "

Li Zhi then said, "yes, what can I do for you?"

Ma Xiaogui took a deep breath and made up his mind,

"Please show me him."

This kind of thing for him, not only can let brother Mo know the news of the demon family, but also can help Ma Xiaogui, why not?

After the appointed time, Li Zhi doesn't care about the excited Ma Xiaogui.

The purpose of Li Zhi's coming here is to absorb aura and give birth to lotus. Before bean sprout wakes up one day, Li Zhi is not at ease. He promised bean sprout to help her find the elves. Now there is no clue, so we need to take a long-term view.

Among the aura eyes full of vegetation aura, the place with the most aura is of course the central area.

The place where green fruit grows is there. Of course, Li Zhi is absorbed crazily by Jiuzhan magpie nest. Ma xiaoguisi is not in Li Zhi's behavior at all. He just sits in a tree and fantasizes about meeting the demon king. Li Zhi is immersed in the small world in his body for a moment. That red lotus with grass and wood aura is also excited to the extreme. Bursts of fragrance come from it, But then came a surge of excitement.

In fact, Li Zhi also thinks that he is always fragrant, which makes people feel strange. Li Zhi comes here to absorb aura, on the one hand to wake up early, on the other hand to get rid of the aroma.

He watched the movement of Honglian secretly.

While carefully instilling their aura in the small world. The red lotus is swinging.

Bursts of fragrance from Li Zhi's body, Ma Xiaogui vigilantly looking at him, his face showed a strange smell.

The smell of blood spreads slowly in the green aura, and almost all the creatures who smell it are ready to move outside. They approach the aura eye step by step, and stop hesitantly when they come to the edge.

Li Zhi didn't find out anything about the outside world. He didn't know that after signing the contract with Wu Yin, he had the smell of guarding the beast. Originally alone in a place, Wu Yin felt Li Zhi's breath. She found the restlessness of the surrounding creatures and rushed to the center of the riot without hesitation.

Wu Yin probably understood something. It was probably the aroma of Li Zhi.

Li Zhi is probably the only one who can't see through in the world. It's so weak, but when Wu Yin first saw him, he thought he was the center of the universe. The shock still makes Wu Yin ripple in his heart.

What's more, Li Zhi's body gives her a sense of intimacy.

All these reasons together are the real reason why Wu Yin and Li Zhi signed the master servant contract. However, Wu Yin didn't know how to do it, but she never regretted her decision. When she felt that Li Zhi was in crisis, she had a sense of anxiety in her heart. She didn't even have time to think about it, so she ran into the aura directly.

When she saw that Li Zhi was safe, she breathed a sigh, but then his eyes fell on the fruit tree.

When he saw Ma Xiaogui, his eyes drooled.

The goblin could not move after feeling the breath, and there was an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart.

He almost thought he would disappear in the blink of an eye. Wu Yin reluctantly moves her eyes away from Ma Xiaogui, and then turns to see Li Zhi. She ignores Ma Xiaogui who is shivering. At that moment, she really wants to eat Ma Xiaogui. You know, she has become a natural and intelligent genius. It is absolutely a good tonic.

However, it seems that Li Zhi next to him knows this guy. If he is eaten by her, he can't explain.

Wu Yin doesn't want Li Zhi to hate himself.

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