The strength of greedy wolf can live in the commanding heights, but rolle... They have difficulty breathing here!

In this way, they have to eat a lot of paste.

Greedy wolf see Li Zhi's mind, gentle said: "as long as with you, this is nothing."

It's deceiving to say that he's not moved, but Li Zhi thinks it's just too much nonsense.

After learning that the dark magic city was arranged by Yu Wuji in his new house, Li Zhi quickly took the greedy wolf to the place where the fog hidden let people fall asleep, but this time the sleep time was a little long.

In other words, the guardian beast itself loves to sleep. If it wasn't for Yu Si who broke Li Zhi's mind, he would find something wrong with Wu Yin.

After that, there won't be so many things. Some things are predestined by heaven. Because of this, Li Zhicai is determined to become stronger.

Of course, these unknown things, see people, things become more and more complex, tearful people let Li Zhi say for a moment not to let them back to the first face.

Li Zhi has been constantly pursuing the highest power, thus ignoring the people around him.

The time for his own relatives to get together is too short, but they are hard to follow, which makes Li Zhi can't bear to hurt them.

When he saw the decreasing number of the iron guards, but they were still firm in their eyes, Li Zhi gave up the idea of sending the dark magic city back.

Li Zhi stood up in the midst of all the women's encirclement, came to the Tiewei army and said in a low voice, "I won't say more about your decision. Now you can't bear the spirit of the highest heaven. You are really strong according to your ability. I don't want anyone to act recklessly any more."

Li Zhi's words were very impolite, but tieweijun still moved me.

They understood the true meaning of Li Zhi's words, and more than 2500 people answered in unison: "yes! Lord

The loud voice, the heroic momentum of the sky, even pushed away the aura around the dark magic city.

Li Zhi nodded with satisfaction. In addition to the fact that Wu Yin was still sleeping, Li Zhi and his women stayed together and called out the bean sprouts. After that, everyone screamed.

Bean sprouts are so cute that people immediately accept her and protect her carefully. This is what Li Zhi likes to see. They get along very well, which makes Li Zhi very satisfied.

In fact, Li Zhi is not clear because there are greedy wolves in the process of reconciliation.

After a period of time, Li Zhi opened the dark magic city at a fixed time. Although the aura made people uncomfortable, it was bearable.

When people can't bear it, Li Zhi will close down quickly. Among the abundant aura, the strength of this group of people is also growing, which is unexpected. Moji north and yuwuji all praise their hard work. Moji north and yuwuji often give some advice, which benefits people's cultivation.

During this period, they spent almost all of their time on the aura of photography.

When the greedy wolf's strength goes one step further, Li Zhi gives the control of the dark magic city to the greedy wolf.

However, for half a year, Wu Yin didn't wake up. Li Zhi felt that something was wrong. He went to Wu Yin's room and put his hand on her. After a while, Li Zhi released his hand dejectedly. He sat beside Wu Yin and touched her face pitifully.

Although Wuyin is a guardian beast, they have signed a contract. Once there is something wrong with Wuyin, Li Zhi should find out.

But the problem is that there is no problem with the contract!

Just like sleeping, there is nothing unusual. Li Zhi can't imagine that anyone in the world can hurt Wu Yin. In this case, Li Zhi is helpless.

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