What is in Li Zhi's mind?

However, due to his dislike of Fei Dong, Li Zhi didn't speak. Instead, he came to the desk and sat down directly.

Looking at Fei Zhong kneeling on the ground did not call him up.

Li Zhi said, "take it up and let me have a look."

Fei Zhong's way of being an official has been thoroughly understood. Fei Zhong was originally a jester and naturally understood the mind of the superior.

It seems that his royal highness is not in such a good mood.

Did you disturb the prince himself?

At the thought of this, the cold sweat in my lungs came out. After all, the original Shouwang was cruel, which everyone knows.

So Fei Zhong didn't dare to say more, so he presented a box in his hand.

The box was made of jade and polished very smooth.

Li Zhi knows that it is very difficult to polish jade in this era. It seems that Fei Zhong should have done his best to polish jade like this.

Looking at the box in front of him, Li Zhi didn't open it. Instead, he asked, "my highness has forgotten something because of his discomfort some time ago. Can you tell me what's in it?"

Fei Chong realized that his highness did not remember these things.

So he quickly said: "Your Highness, you may forget that the box is the treasure you let Xiaochen find."

Li Zhi, treasure? He quickly opened the box and found several stone slabs in it.

Look at the slate is very thin, and on the slate there are many patterns.

But those patterns are actually the movements of men and women in the room

Li Zhizheng wanted to be angry, but suddenly found that there were several small words printed on the pattern!

Li Zhi has mastered the memory of this body, and naturally knows that it is an ancient writing.

A little identification of Li Zhi found that this is Huangdi Neijing!

Huangdi Neijing?

Li Zhishan was deeply immersed in it. He was looking at the pattern in front of him seriously.

At this time, there seems to be a different energy fluctuation on the pattern of Li Zhifa.

Think of here inspirational eyes suddenly burst out a burst of brilliance.

This is exactly what the system has given Li Zhi.

Because Li Zhi finished both tasks very well some time ago, he also accumulated some points. He has just talked with the system.

"Are you in the system?"

"What can I do for you?"

"System, I ask you what is in front of you?"

When Li Zhi said this, his mind was in a mess. What was in front of him? When I speak, I become literate.

"If the host needs points to identify this object, the current points of the host are just enough to identify the object in front of him."

Li Zhi didn't care about integral at all.

The system has been introduced, but he didn't care. After all, the current system doesn't help Li Zhi much. You know, the reason why the relationship with the system is not so familiar is that the world of Fengshen should not have started.

Otherwise, in the name of the system itself, Fengshen system is bound to shine in the world of Fengshen.

After identification, Li Zhi's saliva almost came out. It turned out that this was the only copy of Huangdi Neijing.

It is said that the imperial daughter of the Yellow Emperor will ascend to heaven

How to soar? The world of heaven depends on women!

Needless to say, this Huangdi Neijing must be a double cultivation method!

Sure enough, after the identification, they were able to find the secret in Huangdi Neijing.

In each slate, the figure in the picture has already appeared the meridian diagram!

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