But when Wu Yin gives Li Zhi the shrinking dark magic city, Li Zhi knows what's going on. He hugs Wu Yin's shoulder, but Wu Yin withdraws from the shield. Li Zhiming is invisible as a guardian beast, and she has her own pride. She can cope with these. She looks at her man with a smile and a glimmer of trust in her eyes.

Without the pressure of the dark magic city, she could not be bothered at all.

Li Zhihe did not hesitate to put the power of dark magic city into the small world, used the Sirius battle armor, and then took back the shield outside. It was not his pride, but it was a waste to open the shield at this time. The chaotic power of his body slowly turned, and still poured into his body. With the deepening of these colloids, the pressure became stronger and stronger.

The energy in Li Zhi's body is constantly increasing. Yu Wuji and Mo Jibei look hard, but their expression is still firm. Wu Yin walks in the front to observe the situation, while Li Zhi walks in the end. It seems that he has mastered some law. From the beginning, it's extremely difficult, and now it's extremely light. This period of situation is seen by Mo Jibei and Yu Wuji, and they resist the pressure, Thinking about the mystery, after all, is a character who has been practicing for countless years, and soon came up with the key. For this kind of pressure, it's better to guide these energies than to resist it. They are used to thinking in a mode.

Up to now, it's not as good as a Li Zhi. It's just a mistake.

In any case, the most important thing in his cultivation is to understand rather than act recklessly. Seeing that two people look relaxed, Li Zhi knows what they should have understood.

I'm happy for the two elder brothers, but I'm a little confused. He felt the pressure when he protected the people. Later, the pressure was also because of the dark magic city in the small world. Why didn't he feel it at first? Why didn't you feel the pressure at first? How could he be so relaxed when he left alone? Does it have anything to do with the colloids absorbed in his body?

But when the light in front of them rings, Li Zhi throws everything away. When they come out of the passage, they are shocked by the vast sea of stars.

They live in a zone surrounded by stars. Li Zhi has not seen all kinds of galaxies, but he has never seen such a shocking scene.

The stars around him are shining with different energies. After understanding the divine space, Li Zhi is very sensitive to the arrangement of things. He finds that the stars in front of him are not in disorder, but in order!

And there are different arrangements. The passageways close slowly behind them, and the fog in white stays in the starlight, like a goddess.

After seeing Li Zhi, Wu Yin said, "Congratulations, the key to the gate of the starry sky has recognized you as the Lord."

"What? Stargate? You mean the gate just now? Is there anything special about this key? "

Wu Yin nodded,

"The star gate was made by Muma for a guy. That guy should still be locked there, and this passage was created because of it. Muma is still sleeping, but she should wake up soon because of this."

Li Zhi knows that what Wu Yin said should be Huang Huang. It sounds like he has a problem with Huang Huang. Should he let that guy out for them to meet now?

Of course, he knows that Wu Yin seems to have such special feelings for mu ma. Li Zhi keeps guessing about Mu Ma's identity. Li Zhi puts aside his doubts for the time being. When he knows that Wu Yin goes to see Mu Ma, he will know who it is.

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