Not only that, at this time, the woman who originally played Mu Xin suddenly changed her appearance!

She roared into the sky.

That's not the voice of an ordinary person.

In an instant, the surrounding voice was overwhelmed, and Li Zhi sent all the images to the outside, and the people outside the imperial city were silent.

Looking at this shocking scene, no matter inside or outside the Imperial City, everyone stood there.

Just then, a strange scene happened. The woman who played Mu Xin stood up straight and rose slowly.

It wasn't long before he was in the middle of the sky. Li Zhi squinted at everything.

At this time, he had already stood up. At this time, he peeped at Daji, and found that Daji, like him, had a look of doubt and surprise.

Li Zhi was a little confused. It seems that Daji didn't know about this incident.

At the same time, Li Zhi also knew that the way Nu Wa thought of was insidious. She not only wanted to kill Li Zhi, but also wanted to clean up Daji.

It's a pity that Daji didn't know about it. Otherwise, I'm afraid she would be more miserable.

Originally forced to be arranged here, now abandoned by the people behind.

Li Zhi continued to observe the figure flying in the middle of the sky. Just then, a white cloud appeared under her feet.

Look at the man again, suddenly a touch of light golden light bloomed on his body, as if he were an immortal in the sky.

There was an ethereal voice around her, which seemed to come from all directions.

"Shang, Emperor Xin, disregarding the propriety of his ancestors, acted in a perverse way, and took a humble position as an official. He did not respect his ancestors, and his surname was not expensive."

Li Zhidan listened to these people's lines painfully, "TND, can't you find a learned person to write about it? This kind of saying seems to be useful to the nobility. "

Sure enough, the faces of the nobles were quite moved, as if they were talking about their heart.

However, the people who watched outside the Imperial City frowned slightly. They thought that what the laoshizi God said now was so ugly?

What kind of God are you?

Li Zhi's new policy had the greatest influence on Chaoge, and the common people began to think about God dialectically.

Now they feel uncomfortable when they hear what the goddess said. They already know that the new deal of his majesty is a good thing for the people of the world. How did it come to be a disaster in the mouth of the God of labor?

At this time, it seems that some people are with rhythm in the crowd below the sacrifice, and many people below are shouting: "it's the God! The goddess Mu Xin shows her holiness and comes to the world

People see this, many people see the appearance of the God is also the heart of respect, or fear, can not help but prostrate to the ground.

But at this time, Li Zhi was standing on his back, and said harshly to the royal family behind him: "don't kneel!"

Originally, Jiang Xianrou and others wanted to kneel down, but they did not bow down to the ground after hearing Li Zhi's words.

Yin Jiao and Yin Hong's fear of this father was too strong, and Li Zhi was too strict with them. Now when Li Zhi opened his mouth, these people did not dare to kneel again.

At this moment, Mu Xin in the sky waved her hand and a black spear appeared in her hand. Suddenly, she picked up the spear and pointed it at Li Zhi, saying: "there is no way to be a emperor! She should destroy her bones. She is kind! Keep your whole body, give poison and keep your body... "

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