He looks like Anya said, "I promise you that if the zodiac doesn't come to me, I won't touch them, except Milo."

The breeze blows as if to say something. All people are inexplicably lost, they look like Baiyang Palace at the same time, instantly understand that Anya, the warrior of Baiyang palace, has disappeared.

Pisces tiannv's face is very pale, with tears in her eyes. No one knows Anya better than her. This time, Anya is really disappearing, which is different from the common meaning. She even has no soul left.

Chen day in the hand of chess pieces broken, he naturally also understand what, just didn't expect this day came, his heart desolate and helpless.

What is the future road like?

Aries this life star becomes dim, even Leo and other Libra have become dark, all the stars seem to aiya's death and silence.

But the star of man and horse in the sky is still shining, and it seems to see Anya off in another way.

Li Zhi went directly to this planet, which is also his destination. When he saw this planet again, he was very impressed.

Aoluosi looked at the dim starlight, showing a trace of joy, whispered: "brother suddenly realized that only death is the end of life, but who is the next soldier? Is it muroba? "

Before he could calculate, the unexpected guest had already arrived. He turned to look at the place not far away from his residence, with a look of regret on his face. It seems that the master of the zodiac is really beyond his calculation, otherwise, how could such an accident happen.

Li Zhi's figure stood up in confusion, and then, looking at the strange environment around him, he felt the energy fluctuation when he landed. That energy seemed to be able to control his movements, making him unable to freely become this appearance.

There should be no mistake.

Although it's very novel, it's full of nature. Apart from the elves and demons, I can't think of anyone who has such taste. Moreover, the elves advocate natural beauty, which is rough. It's estimated that only the demons can feel dynamic and quiet like this.

Aoluosi came in a hurry, looking at the person covered with dust, showing a trace of ridicule. However, after seeing the mark on the forehead on the opposite face, his smile turned into a bitter smile. Unexpectedly, the person who met this kind of embarrassing incident on this planet turned out to be their friends recognized by the demon clan.

Of course, if so, he will not be so nervous. The question is whether this person or the one who has been a great help to the demon clan, how can he tell the elder?

Aoluosi thought that the difficult turtle elder was getting old for many years in a moment. Li Zhizheng was going to go to the palace, but he didn't expect that the man appeared. Although many of the people who came with him were Saint soldiers, he saw aoluosi at a glance. The reason was very simple. Among so many factors, he was the only one who didn't evolve well.

Of course, ailuoluo will not ignore Li Zhi's eyes. He only looks at them and knows that he is laughing at the other party's embarrassing revenge.

But no matter how to say is to do, friends neglect guests is not their style.

Most of the demon clans here are watched by elder tortoise as they grow up. Although they are very familiar with elder tortoise, the totem of this man is actually played by elder tortoise.

The person approved by the turtle elder is the person approved by the demon clan.

Invite Li Zhi inside, and then send someone to inform the people in the gathering place. Li Zhi didn't hide his intention. He was originally looking for elder tortoise. If elder tortoise was not there, there would be no problem with the demons. He made a request with ailuros, and saw that the other party was in a dilemma. Ailuros looked at the friend who was looking for problems, and his face showed frustration.

"I know you want to see elder tortoise, but it's not easy for him to come out of me, or he hasn't moved since he came here!"

As long as he doesn't disappear, there's nothing difficult. If elder tortoise can't come to see him, he'll go to see elder tortoise. After he had this idea, ailos stammered, "are you sure you want to do this? No regrets? After that, you don't even have a chance to regret it? "

Li Zhi doesn't know what he's talking about. What regret does elder GUI have?

Then aoluosi and the people around him looked at Li Zhi with admiration.

Li Zhihua is a little strange. What's wrong with these people?

The demons live in a remote place in this plane, and they are very unobtrusive. There is a very dim planet, which will be ignored if they don't pay attention to observation.

Members of the demon clan live on this planet, and this kind of behavior is also hiding their light.

Li Zhi's divinity can support him to walk in the zodiac, but the small-scale search also baffles him. This plane is different from other spaces, and small-scale movement costs more divinity. Li Zhi's yuan Shen is very special, and his divinity is beyond imagination, but it's better to have acquaintances with him in this case.

Aoluosi looked at the young man in front of him. He had superb skills, but he had the ability to control his own character. He didn't try to be brave. It was not easy for him to recognize the person recognized by elder tortoise. Li Zhi didn't know what he thought.

Now he just wants to see elder tortoise with all his heart, and he doesn't care about other people's attitude. He feels that Fengkai's Phoenix hairpin is a little strange, and he doesn't know what it is.

But he knew that Feng Kai would not cheat him or hurt him.

But some things should be made clear. Aoluo's face became serious. He closed his eyes, and a strange cyan light flashed on his body. The ancient and desolate smell attacked him. When Li Zhi opened his eyes, he and Aoluo had already appeared on the dim planet.

The aura here is abundant and incomparable. The name of this planet is TIANYAO star. All the demons here are demons who have reached a certain level of cultivation. Almost at the moment they appear, everyone finds their trace, but the demons are leisurely now. They don't like to explore things, so if strangers come, they can do what they should do.

And this person, this is also because they feel that the people who come here have the smell of the demon clan, have the mark of the demon clan, and there is alos beside them, otherwise they will rush to kill them directly.

Elder tortoise, who was lying in his old nest, moved his body and the sky. He felt the familiar atmosphere settle down all the time. He nodded to ailuros and walked in that direction. Ailuros watched Li Zhi leave with sympathy in his eyes.

Elder tortoise said that his body stays in the ocean of the planet. Like an island, he is covered with weeds. If you look at him carefully, he still has many treasures to treasure.

Although the whole planet is insignificant in the vast sea of stars, it is much larger than the mainland of the ancient god cemetery. At this time, the body returned to you will not feel very big. Li Zhiyuan looks at the body like a mountain from a distance.

Li Zhi smiles confidently, and then appears on the body of elder Guo GUI,. There is a small house next to that tree.

Elder tortoise's spirit is basking in the moonlight leisurely. He feels the breath of the coming people, but he doesn't open his eyes. He just waves his hand and there are more chairs in front of him. Last time Li Zhi had a brief contact with elder tortoise, he was very clear about the elder's personality.

This time, however, he was demanding that people's nature be bad and put his posture high.

When the day was up, Li Zhicai knew why ailos had to stop. He looked at his turtle elder. Since he sat down, he began to talk about his glorious history and the history of the demon clan.

Li Zhi is arguably a good talker, but he didn't get a chance to interrupt. When elder tortoise began to talk about the birds and animals around him, it seemed that he couldn't bear to talk.

Li Zhi also played a strong endurance, just listen to each other.

He subconsciously felt that if he didn't do it, he would be in trouble.

Elder tortoise looked at Li Zhi with admiration,

"Hehe, hehe, the endurance is really good!"

Li Zhi's eyes twitch slightly. Elder tortoise is worthy of being a mature man. He knows that enough is enough.

"Tell me, boy, how did you come here and bring a city here? That's good! My boy is here, too? "

He looked very calm, as if he had a heart for everything.

When Li Zhi took out the key in the bracelet, elder tortoise's eyes were very big.

"I found it by accident. Of course, brother Mo and brother Yu are here."

Wu Yin's figure quietly appears beside Li Zhi. GUI Yannian doesn't dare to pretend that he is so short no matter how old he is.

It's just that Gui Yannian always feels that the guardian beast seems to have changed a little. He can't say clearly that the other party's strength is not so strong, and there is a connection between him and Li Zhi. His face changes slightly. He knows what happened, and he probably guesses the master servant contract.

Li Zhi also knows about the contract.

I patted Wu Yin and asked her to sit next to me.

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