Minos felt a strong dissatisfaction in his heart. He was no worse than his brother. Why was he behind?

However, Mandis felt that he had enough of Minos' personality. At the beginning, he felt that his younger brother was reconciled by him. Now the boy has not been satisfied all his life. Should he be like this?

The two men have this idea. They look at each other in disgust. The next moment, their attack comes at the same time. They want to kill each other mercilessly like enemies. Li Zhi observes quietly and finds that their fighting style is very strange.

Different from the soldiers he had seen before, they were aboveboard and aboveboard. Every move of these two men was very insidious. They attacked him in unexpected ways, which was a bit of his demeanor!

Even a little stronger than him, Li Zhi can't help but feel cold when he looks at these, but these two people are really brothers.

They know each other very well and can't help each other for a while.

There was a twinkle of impatience in Mandis's eyes. He couldn't stand the river dust, and so did Minos,

"Absolutely cold!"

A big drink, followed by the hall was a blue light shrouded, a piece of decoration have broken.

The cold breath made them wake up. Although Minos wanted to take back the action, it was too late.

The light on Mandis was entangled. The light had gone deep into the skin and could not be recovered. Mandis flashed a little sad. He finally took a look at his brother and recovered the deadly cold.

The surrounding temperature picked up, but Minos's body couldn't move.

He watched helplessly as his brother became a lifeless puppet, and Li Zhi's figure, whose life atmosphere disappeared, appeared. He looked coldly at Minos.

If he is not surprised, it is deceiving. I didn't expect that the two brothers, who are so cruel, have such deep kinship.

Li Zhi is revenge for the children.

The next thing is to kill Minos, but Li Zhi finds something wrong.

Before the history of Mandis, it seemed that he had passed the power to Minos, and Li Zhi was alert.

This Minos turned his brother into a puppet and had the same skills as Mandis.

Li Zhi released yuan Shen, and the magic knife was in his hand.

Li Zhi's figure appears. The handsome man makes Minos a little stunned. Then he looks at his brother,

"Boy, no matter who you are, you are dead today. I want you to be my slave. I want you to cry under me."

Li Zhi suddenly broke out, his breath became dangerous, this guy touched his scales, the Emperor God became ferocious, as if to verify.

Misty shadow appeared, millstrand looked at misty, and then had a dirty idea in his heart.

Li Zhi laughed angrily, and the magic knife in his hand reflected a bloody light,

"No one has seen me so angry for a long time. Are you ready to pay the price?"

Minos obviously felt something was wrong. The silk thread in his hand calmed him down.

Mandis's body came up to him as if his death had been an illusion.

Mr. Minos said, "brother, let's fight side by side! Look, this is the enemy who hurt us. "

His attitude is like talking to his lover. Li Zhi feels chilly all over. He does not hesitate to take out his magic knife. The light of the knife covers the darkness in front of him and falls on their light. He knows that light is the real killer.

As long as this is broken, there will be no threat to the two of them.

Minos quickly moved his index finger, and Mandis sent out a blue breath, blocking the knife light to protect his eyes.

Fog hidden his figure burning again from the fire of Nanming, fog hidden don't know this time he helped his lover.

Li Zhi's spirit immediately surrounded the back, absorbed the temperature of Nanming from the fire, so that those cold breath can not hurt Li Zhi.

Misty's eyes rested on Mandis,

"I didn't expect that after so many years, there are still people who can fit in. I can't keep you."

The corner of Li Zhi's eye jumped slightly, as if to burn all around him.

There seems to be some prohibition on Mandis. Li Zhi's spirit can't get close to him.

Wu Yin said coldly with a smile: "do you think only you can fit? No matter who taught you the skills, I won't let him go. Now you are waiting to be cleaned! "

After hearing the words of Wu Yin, Li Zhi didn't have time to ask. Countless strange pictures flashed in his mind. Wu Yin's body quietly changed and wound weakly around Li Zhi.

Yuan Shen is also guarding Li Zhi. Minos, who is hidden in the body of Mandis, feels scared, but unexpectedly, there are still people in the world who know the art of combination.

The person who gave him this spell at the beginning is no longer here. Before leaving, he said that it must not be used on the corpse.

Or you'll be tortured if you're found out.

But when he saw that the eaves fit like him, he knew he was doomed today.

Because of the action of the mist and water, and the fusion degree, Minos knew that the two people in front of him could not match.

But now no matter how to spell it, it's better to pull a cushion temporarily.

Mandis's eyes slowly turn, flashing a cold light. Li Zhi is full of power. The small universe is touched by the spirit, and slowly releases the black power. This power is different from the power of chaos, but it can feel the destruction brought by this power.

At that moment, Li Zhi seemed to understand that a lot of destruction is not pure destruction, but also vitality.

be reborn.

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