At the beginning, everyone was very angry, because kailaiya said that they couldn't do it, but they also knew that it was true. Now they also knew that they were not fighting alone, and that there were Ziwei star owners who were also involved in it. Everyone knew how strong Ziwei star owners were. When they were first able to accept the whole plane, they were still being transmitted. Could it be impossible to fight against him?

Chang'er's face showed holiness, and she could not see her irony at all. She may have caught up with this matter most clearly, but she didn't express any opinions from the beginning to the end. In Chang'er's eyes, these Saint Zhang's behaviors were just like monkey play.

Kailaiya did not continue to say that his attitude shows everything, that is, he has no confidence in Ziwei star master. Although Ziwei star master has been mediating and making peace for so many years, does he really have a way to wipe out the soul of anti star?

I'm afraid we had already started at that time. Kano shook his head helplessly and played the last trump card,

"You must be familiar with the God of the sea of stars. The zodiac has reached an agreement with him to test the spirit of the stars together."

Tagore knew the Zodiac's intention for a long time, so he was not surprised. Although Li Zhi's performance strength was not strong at the beginning, his potential was unlimited. Just breaking the plane and making a channel was enough to explain everything.

The expression of Shajia was intriguing. He was a little unhappy and seemed to disapprove. However, musk was very supportive of him. After five years in dark magic city, he understood how powerful Li Zhi's magic power was, and the strength of the iron guards was comparable with them. He could become the main force at that time. Chang'er frowned slightly, although he knew that cooperation was inevitable, But I didn't expect Cano to move so fast.

Moreover, her crystal ball was confiscated by Wu Yin. She had no way to know about it, and could not divine. Thinking of Li Zhi's angry appearance, she gave a muffled hum, but kailaiya said she heard it. People gradually became stable, and their fear of the soul of the anti star was less.

The situation in front of them is very favorable, but they don't have the exact direction of the anti star soul.

No one thinks that they have the strength to explore everything. As time goes by, do they really need to rely on the information of dark magic city?

First of all, Cano himself did not agree to this matter. Although they reached an agreement, they could not believe each other. It must be because of this that Li Zhi would take charge of the investigation of information on himself. Just when everyone hesitated, musk stood up,

"Since everyone doesn't want to, I'll go. I think Li Zhi has already started. I'm going to start now. Maybe I can meet him. At that time, you can take care of him."

Ario doesn't agree. He knows that Musk's strength has increased a lot, but it's not high enough to go deep into Nandou. Only he and Cano can go there.

But the two of them still have to deal with the zodiac. Now they can't separate themselves. Gloria stood up unexpectedly and said firmly, "don't mention it. No one is more suitable for this task than me. I'll go."

Cano thought about it and answered his request. Gloria nodded and walked out of the hall.

Ario thought of the kailia he had seen before, and he was relieved that no one knew the existence of kailia. This guy's whereabouts was too mysterious. This task should be suitable for him. There was silence in the hall.

Musk thinks whether he should go back to the dark magic city. He and the iron guards get along day and night, and he has long regarded the place full of human feelings as his home. But if he wants to get busy, he should take time to remind Wu Yin to be careful.

There is a strange light in Shajia's eyes. He doesn't know what he is thinking. Difficulty is the most mysterious star field in the whole stomach. It's not that there's a spectacle here. On the contrary, it's the same as most star regions.

The safety is amazing. There are no meteorites, no meteors, and no turbulence. It's very calm, but there is still no one coming. There is only one reason. Here is the anti star spirit of the organization that makes the Ziwei star master let a bit.

It's dangerous to come here, but there's some vitality. But when he enters the organization, Li Zhi's spirit is connected with the surrounding air, and any change can't escape his perception. He's been lurking for many days, but he still hasn't found any members of the anti star spirit.

They seem to be isolated from the world, and they don't care about other people's attacks at all. From the information they get, we can see that the defense of this place is very tight, but you don't find any guards. Did you use any method to arrange the array?

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