Li Zhi didn't show any surprise. After all, people on the street can't get along if they don't know Xiao Xi. He patted potatoes and said, "OK, I know this kind of news can't be divulged. Do you want to keep it for sale?"

Can news sell for money even if people are in a circle?

Li Zhi didn't give any details. He believed that Li De was very clever and would understand what he had just said. However, the news of Tudou just made Li Zhi very excited. Soul water really exists in this world. Even if the lone wolf doesn't look for him, he will look for the lone wolf.

They left with their stomachs in their hands, looking at the delicious food, but only two black gold coins were used, and the change was given. Li Zhizhi was very satisfied with this level of consumption. Real rich people don't play with ordinary people.

What Li De knows is that Ivory Coast is just a place where the middle-class rich gather. The real nobles should not come. Li Zhi didn't know how outrageous he was until he entered the underground imperial headquarters.

Li De and others live in a crowded place. More than a dozen people sleep in one shop. Li Zhi can't stand the smell of smelly feet. When he goes to the place with the most brilliant lights, the night life of the star empire is more colorful than that of the day. The only difference is that women come out to play at night, but men watch their children at home.

Because of this, the appearance of Li Zhi is very eye-catching. Li Zhi went to a place like a bar and collected information. In addition to the places like the streets, only the bar is the most informed place in the world.

Although women are in power here, these women can't seem to change their personalities. They are still whispering and exchanging secrets. Li Zhi listens to the news quietly. The bar is of good quality. The people who come here are relatively rich. Those who don't dare to discuss the affairs of the imperial court in suisui, so he doesn't get any useful information.

Just as he was about to leave, a woman attracted her attention. She didn't chirp or laugh with the men around her. She was a little serious, as if waiting for something. There was a kind of elegant look and nobility between her eyebrows. At first glance, she was a person with high status.

Li Zhi is a superior. He also knows that this kind of temperament is not what ordinary people can have. Li Zhi's position hides himself deeper.

After a while, he opened the door, and a woman who wanted to dress up unobtrusive but attracted people's attention came over.

The woman who came here was looking for pleasure and wearing gorgeous clothes, but her black hair naturally attracted people's attention. Li Zhi couldn't help laughing and drinking a mouthful of wine in the corner. It's reasonable to say that an excellent man in this kind of bar would be lonely.

However, there are few people around Li Zhi. He is like an isolated old monk, and this is the effect Li Zhi wants. In this unique country, if a man is too conspicuous, he will be teased. Although he likes women, it doesn't mean that he is teased by women.

The woman in black shorts finally found out how wrong her dress was. She dragged her cloak down and the bar lit up in a moment. Li Zhi looked at the slender woman with admiration. No matter her figure or face, she felt perfect and wanted to protect her. She could only cherish the rights of such a woman. She would be laughed at if she looked like this.

Bar soon returned to normal death, not far away, heard not far away a few women disdain to say: "grow up like that is a woman, as a man is really shameful!"

Li Zhi has been speechless, and he is a little unaccustomed to this kind of aesthetic thinking.

They didn't care about the gossip around them. Li Zhining heard some news and showed a trace of humor. She was in a high position. The other woman's words were respectful. Even if she had different opinions, she also put forward them tactfully.

Li Zhi guessed right. These two people are from the imperial court. The handsome one is the general of the star Empire, while the one in the black cloak is the monarch of this term, Hongling. They discussed how to go from the lone wolf to the soul water and whether the lone wolf should be allowed to establish power here. It seems that the imperial court of the star Empire has been torn apart, Otherwise they won't go to the bar.

After thinking about it, Li Zhi was put down. The clear voice came into everyone's ears, and everyone gathered here.

It's a moment for everyone. I can't shift my eyes. They have never seen a smile full of evil spirit, nor have they seen such a man who shoots people's soul. All the women have the same heart as a cat. When they think about where it is, they turn into lusters one by one. The two women's eyes are a little surprised, but they recover soon.

Soon and you are on the pretty shy, her face flushed, her heart has the habit, this time the blush should not be a man?

But general Luo Yan's eyes are a little cold. In her heart, the man who goes in and out of the bar at this time is definitely not the son of a good family, especially when she looks like this again. It's too lewd.

Li Zhi knows that Luo Yan's idea is bound to laugh and cry, but at this time he can't control so many people's enthusiastic eyes. He comes to Hongling and doesn't say hello. Luo Yan looks at him in surprise, just like seeing a ghost. The envious eyes around him drink two women, and many women are confused.

"Little Xianggong, what do you want to do with that soft woman? You see how strong my sister's arm is. Come to my sister."

Li Zhi glanced at her faintly. The woman suddenly felt cold all over her body. The fear of dying came with it, which made her tremble. The two women sitting beside her felt the cold and put away their contempt.

The men in this country will not fight against women. Their chances of becoming an official in the court can only be seen from these two eyes.

Luo Yan has made sure that this man has nothing to do with the reaction empire. If such a dangerous person comes from the imperial court, other forces estimate that the queen will be impeached again. If so, the throne is in danger.

They can't implement the policies that benefit the country and the people. Hongling doesn't think so much. She subconsciously thinks that men are extraordinary.

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