Wu Yin has also left the dark magic city, and other people have been away for a long time. Li Zhi doesn't say that he must be thinking about it in his heart, but Wu Yin also goes out to explore this time, so that Li Zhi can rest assured.

Wu Yin has a strange feeling about bean sprouts. She doesn't feel jealous. At the beginning, she just acts as a passer-by. After a long time, she seems to have feelings, especially the gentleness from Yusi greedy wolf makes her feel dependent. Maybe this is the feeling of home.

Layer after layer of starlight converges and becomes like a star. With the increasing number of stars converging into a galaxy, this week's journey is full of transformation into a universe. The universe is slowly splitting up, and there are countless planes of entertainment. These planes are in chaos.

The universe has turned into dust again. Li Zhi's mind is immersed in the infinite cycle, and his expression is sad and lonely. When he constructs the cycle for Chang'er, he thinks of the hidden power he learned from Shajia, although he doesn't understand what kind of power it is,.

At this time, it seems that it is not difficult to understand the power of Buddhism's mental Dharma. No matter what power there is, there is always a limit. Beyond this limit, it is either destruction or rebirth. The power of God's seclusion should be the power of rebirth after destruction. Buddhism says that the great extinction is rebirth after many lives and deaths. It represents a new beginning, immersed in memories, Li Zhi seemed to see the stories of countless people in his heart, and seemed to be himself.

It's an old voice,

"Do you regret your choice?"

There was a feeling in Li Zhi's heart that it was hard to speak. He said, "there is nothing in the world that I regret. I don't allow such things to happen. No matter who you are, go out and hide your head and tail, and dare to question me?"

He felt his mind pause for a few seconds, and then everything was normal.

Li Zhi quickly adjusts the energy in the group to search for that breath, and at this time the floating lines in his body speed up the operation, and those energies return to the original space uncontrollably. The water wave totem hidden in his eyebrows quickly forms an independent cycle in his heart and body.

The source of the universe in his body seems to be out of the control of these runes, heading towards Li Zhi's sea of consciousness, and seems to be disgusted with that breath.

At the same time, a yellow light appeared in the whole plane, most of which were shrouded in the yellow light, which was noble and inviolable.

Li Zhi felt that there was an extra energy in his body. The rune in his body stopped for a moment and then flew away, as if he was very afraid of that force. However, the spiritual part that intruded into his consciousness had disappeared, and the source of the universe came back in vain. Li Zhi didn't care about the defeat, but focused on his body.

If he guesses correctly, the new divine space begins to regenerate, and the structure can't be distracted at this time.

At the beginning, when Li Zhi understood the space of his life experience, he did not doubt that the Seven Star divine consciousness was a watershed. What was it in the end?

At the beginning of the establishment of the eight trigrams, Li Zhi understood that the energy in his body was not simply energy. If this kind of power had a name, it should be called the hidden power.

Li Zhi doesn't know what it means, but he knows that the world only exists in this force, only in the legend, which even the guardian beast can't have.

At the beginning, the energy shagar used was only a little bit obtained through the gulagu beast, which was not obtained by him at all.

The rune disappeared, breaking the shackles of his body.

The energy in Li Zhi's body is ready to move. It seems that he is going to fight for a higher position.

The rune in the universe has nothing to do with the lost rune, and these energies are arranged according to the position of heaven and earth before the eight trigrams. The eight energies of the eight trigrams complement each other and are unbreakable.

Li Zhi felt that these energies had reached the state of intercommunication, and the small universe had even participated in it. These energies gathered together to form a power that even the gods had to avoid, that is, the power of God hidden in the legend.

Li Zhi's Yuanshen trembles slightly, and seems to be shocked by this power. Then Yuanshen gives back a message, and Li Zhi is surprised when he receives the message.

It turns out that this power is so strange, and there is a way of cultivation.

There are thirty-two levels of cultivation methods fed back by Yuanshen, which correspond to the eight cycles of the eight trigrams. Li Zhi knows that each level has four cultivation methods. The former 16 levels have already been achieved, but Li Zhi can't see them clearly.

He knew he didn't have the strength. Now Pluto is shrouded in the yellow light. The yellow light with incomparable dignity has shocked the whole plane. Not to mention, the elders of Aries, the tortoise elders and aorus, can't bear it.

They don't know how this kind of power can appear in Pluto, but they know one thing, that is, those who have the power of seclusion will be punished by heaven. Ailos and elder tortoise have basically confirmed that this kind of power can't be separated from Li Zhi. We can't help worrying, but what happens next is beyond their ability.

Aoluosi and other demons can do is worry about spring and fog hidden also feel this change.

The mood is different. Wu Yin is happy about this kind of thing. Li Zhi's promotion is only good for her.

Chen Tian can only accept Chang'er, and the influence of this degree of divine power is not great, but also affected. I don't know whether it's good or bad. Anyway, he is tied to Li Zhi in his life. Chen Tian is helpless, but Huang Huang doesn't care. Although he is surprised at the emergence of this power, he doesn't care as long as it doesn't affect Mu ma.

Under this kind of influence, the biggest influence should be Huoling and purple ginseng.

This power contains all kinds of power, including fire power. It is difficult for fire spirit to improve under this kind of influence.

Purple ginseng has absorbed the original plant aura of the demon clan. Now it has broken through the demon clan. It has accepted the original carefree pawn of the demon clan every day. Now it is stimulated by Li Zhi's power, and it has advanced into the growth period ahead of time.

There is no double blessing, but there is no single disaster. What happened recently in dark magic city.

Naturally, it needs some calamities to balance out. But this calamity is very rare. Those rules feel that Li Zhi is not easy to be provoked, and even bring calamities to other people. Of course, other people have relations with Li Zhi. Of course, no matter whether the relationship is good or bad, if they only have relations with Li Zhi, they will have some troubles, But Kano and Hongjing suffered a great crisis.

With the help of the dark palace, OLOS got rid of the crisis. The owner of OLOS didn't know how to take these families directly to the dark palace.

To put it bluntly, it's just the need of interests. If there is no common interest, these people will not be blatantly hostile to the zodiac.

Of course, the relationship between the zodiac and the zodiac is also the same. People with a clear eye can see that the decline of the zodiac is a fact, and family leaders hate restlessness.

Instead of trying to revive the twelfth palace, Cano would like to help another organization. These people are quite optimistic about the dark palace. Not everyone can be so patient. Finally, they choose to come to the surface. This endurance is enough to make them treat the owner of the dark palace differently.

In particular, the people who are in charge of contacting them are all powerful, but they have no airs. It seems that the real owner of the dark palace is a very strict person under his opponent.

This group of people have long-term vision. They know that cooperating with stupid people can obviously obtain great benefits, but they don't cooperate with smart people for a long time. Although they may suffer losses, they are good in the long run.

Everyone can see which is more important. Cano wanted to restrict these families, but he didn't expect to push these people into the arms of the enemy. He regretted it in his heart.

Tagore and yaludi know that because Kano is dissatisfied with Li Zhi's attitude, Tagore doesn't need to say more. At the beginning, Li Zhi opened a channel for other shore flowers, and he has listed Li Zhi as a lifelong friend.

Yaludi is a businessman who pursues the best interests of business. Li Zhi gives him high interests. Of course, he will not give up here. Since the end of the battle against the soul of the star, Cano has alienated the dark magic city.

Li Zhi's behavior of beating Shajia violently in front of the public made him feel very shameless.

Li Zhi's strength calms his heart. From a selfish point of view, he doesn't want the zodiac warriors to get too close to this man, but he doesn't know what he does. Li Zhi completely refuses to associate with the zodiac. On the surface, he alienates the dark magic city. In fact, Li Zhi excludes him.

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