At that moment, it was the ghost who led to the query of the rules. Mein knew the chaos. In a word, after all, the five great beasts separated completely.

Chen Tian travels to all walks of life to find Huang Huang's whereabouts. Hotan's power wakes Mu Ma, but no matter how to find her. I can't find them. During the journey, I have done several great things. After the appearance of the face and the completion of the human defense face, those reggies of the chaos level let all living beings escape.

Before that, he understood the rules.

Moreover, after suffering from my chaos disaster, I really understand the power of the rules. There are many kinds of examples. The most harmful thing is the rules.

With consciousness, the rules they master are just one of the natural rules, and chaos is also a dead rule.

These two rules, these two rules, there is also a reproductive rule, but they have not seen Li Zhiqing's heart shocked Chen Tian. What's going on?

What are his rules today? Li Zhi thinks that there are some business opportunities in the destruction of his own rules. What is it?

He didn't ask, I'm afraid Chen Tian didn't know. What shocked him about the whole thing was the rules. With consciousness, the rules were not created by people. The most important thing was after the rules had consciousness.

Will that be restrained? This idea flashed away, but he was soon attracted by Chen Tian's attention, which was related to Mu Ma and Mu Yan.

After looking for a long time, Chen Tian forgot the appearance of Mu Ma, leaving only her warm hand to gently give it the water of all things. Chen Tian is a water beast, and the water of all things is not born, but borne by the female cat. How does Chen Tian absorb the water of all things.

When he can't purify, Mu Ma wastes energy to eliminate impurities for him. Mu Ma is the perfect woman in Chen Tian's memory, because of this memory.

Chen day doesn't understand very much, why does he like the woman like this? What interests Li Zhi is not mu Ma, but something related to wordless.

When Li Zhi said that he was stubborn and that he had a bad temper when he was a child, what he heard was the warmth in his heart, just like a flame swinging.

He doesn't know why Bai chentian is so clear about everything about Wu Yin, but he can't remember too many things about Mu ma. It should be taboo. Li Zhi didn't pull the wound, but he was moved by this matter. Who knows if the damned chaos Festival broke Chen Tian's brain? Li Zhi said, "it's about Wu Yin's ancient god cemetery, Why did you cheat him into going there? Don't you have a good relationship? "

Chen Tian shrugs his shoulders,

"I can't believe that my sister's hot personality really angered her. The whole position would be baptized by him. At that time, Wu Yinqiang was very strong. I couldn't extinguish the flame he used.

It happened that he was not happy, so I was short of a helper to send him there for so many years. "

Li Zhinan said to himself,

"It seems that the kind of lover who is making trouble in the spirit plane, but who can keep the demon king in prison for so many years? At that time, you should have no way to leave Xingji noodles after the disaster. "

"Do you know why the rules seldom come here?"

Li Zhi shakes his head, but he knows that Chen Tian's words will be very strong.

Just listen to Chen Tian say: "I use my freedom and he reached an agreement."

When he found that he didn't answer, he didn't say, "don't tell me you're for mummy. You're for a woman who can't even remember her face. Is it worth it?"

Chen Tian said with a gloomy expression: "you don't understand my mother's meaning to me. If you don't wake her up, I will always carry this burden. Elder brother is the guardian beast of the wood system. The third brother, the native Guardian beast, sacrificed his life just to wake up Muma. If we can't fulfill their wish, how can we forgive ourselves? "

Li Zhi immediately apologized,

"I don't know. I'm sorry. I don't know about it. Although I don't know how difficult it is to wake up my mother, I promised Huang Huang that I would do it for him. So we have a common goal. Let's work together!"

Chen day obviously has not heard of this matter, if knew Li Zhihui to wake up to insult him early, also expends what strength, after all why?

In a word, things more than a circle back to the origin, but Chen Tian achieved the goal, Li Zhi also has a free labor force, no matter how the process, the outcome is happy.

After thinking of this billion yuan, the two of them smile, and the magic strategy is close to each other. The fog lying in the small world drops a tear.

Solved the question in the heart.

Li Zhi looked at the surrounding environment, light blue clouds in front of him, but he couldn't stop his eyes. After the event of moyunxing, these fog also caused nothing, caused no trouble. Of course, it's his secret.

Chen Tian is very interested in telling the origin of this planet. Originally, this planet did not exist. After his efforts, he finally gathered a large number of stars in the universe.

At first, there was no water, no air, no living things. It was very desolate. Since the satellite reached this state, it was completely established by chentian.

He's very deep on the planet, watching him grow up like a child. This planet is probably the most successful thing for Chen Tian when he fell out with GUI que.

His second brother just wanted to destroy the planet by using the stars. Fortunately, he stopped it in time. Even so, purple satellite suffered a lot. Many people saw the beautiful scenery of the planet and didn't know his growth history. Li Zhi felt that the mood of the planet was as mild as Chen Tian's, and the atmosphere of the planet was also warm.

However, it contains the atmosphere of guardian beast, which makes his temperament far superior to other planets. Li Zhi feels the domineering power in the gentleness and the helplessness in the tranquility, showing a little bird's understanding. The personality of this planet is as passive as today, and he will get angry when he is in a hurry.

Said that the hand water system guards the god beast from beginning to end all is lives for others, isn't he tired? You have been curious, but he also did not hesitate asked out, Chen day Leng Leng.

I don't know why Li Zhi asked that. But he's not. Said: "not tired ah, I think very good, not tired, but very happy."

Li Zhi was completely speechless. He was obviously choked by this statement. He never knew how to protect the beast. He had such an idea.

When he first saw the fog hidden, he thought of his usual performance involuntarily frown and cover his eyes. Is it the same as Chen Tian?

Chen Tian saw that he didn't speak and said to himself, "in fact, how much time do you each have to live for yourself? Li Zhi, you always think that you are a selfish person, but you don't find that you always think that others are alive. Don't you pursue strength to protect your lover?"

Li Zhi didn't answer. He laughed. Of course, it won't change everything. His answer has already been known. He is loyal to his friends, loves his lovers, and cruel to his opponents.

No matter who has a goal to live, they go further and longer for the goal. Chentian also has his own goal, so he will bear to wait. Li Zhi has his own goal, so he can climb to this position from the bottom. Does guique have his own goal? In the dark palace, he sat on the chair stealthily. The dim light made his handsome face look strange. He looked at Hongjing below and said, "don't you come back without even entering the big door?"

Hong Jing kneels below. Yes, he can't find them. The family doors, the people with the zodiac and a group of unknown experts live in strange places. It's said that the iron guard is them. Camus stands behind the ghost palace and hides himself behind the light. People can't see what his expression is. He moves when he listens, Obviously a little surprised, the ghost que looked at red suspiciously

Camus came and said, "what's the matter? I heard people in my hometown say this before.

They didn't follow the star sea god from the beginning, but they appeared inexplicably after the star sea god beat Pluto. At the beginning, they were very weak.

The children here can knock them down. I don't know what kind of adventure has grown to such an extent. "

These things are very detailed. Hongjing is surprised.

Ghost que said: "you know a lot, net say some other people don't know things, so the true and false is not easy to judge."

Camus laughs. Recently, he behaves casually in front of GUI Ke, but it doesn't make people resent him. When he goes back to see him like this, he doesn't think it's funny. Instead, he is satisfied. Even the guardian beast will enter. Camus is a partial talent. He doesn't interfere with the ambassador in the palace, but he devotes himself to talking about interesting things around GUI que, and the days are not boring, It's because this person knows how to be proper.

So I won't interfere in those things. It's always like this from the beginning. GUI que is very satisfied with his performance. Hong Jing is lying on the ground, making people feel that he doesn't exist.

But guique, well, and guique forgot his existence. He took Camus to ask about the countryside. Although he was a guardian beast, he didn't go out much because he wanted to know what to use his mirror.

At this time, there was a strange space fluctuation in the dark attack sword. As soon as guique's face became better, Hongjing went down first, and I'll tell you something. After Hongjing got up, she couldn't see what was wrong with kneeling on the ground. He left the hall and didn't return to the card in the middle of the throw. Camus praised her and left immediately.

But the ghost que stopped him and made him stand here. The fluctuation in the air became stronger and stronger. A thin figure appeared here.

Camus couldn't see clearly what was on his face, and no one noticed. The figure of the man became clear, and the murderer flashed in his eyes.

Ghost like a sigh, Johnson, you are finally back. It is the lazy God of the ancient god cemetery. On that day, the wreckage ended, no

In any case, he couldn't find the fragments of star level noodles. He didn't come back until now. When he heard GUI Kai complaining, he showed helplessness on his face and said faintly: "the fragments are lost.

So I'm sorry for the delay, but I should live up to your hope. That person has been sent to the star level. Is he developing fast? How was the tax payment? "

Ghost que showed green, he was not willing to say: "don't you see my strength has declined? The soul of anti star was destroyed by him, and even my body was destroyed by people and things. The damned ones won't let them go! "

Johnson was a little surprised, obviously did not know these things, he tried his best to ask the dog back from the spirit plane, how could he know the news? It's just that. When he heard that the ghost que was destroyed, he didn't get angry. Instead, he showed a strange smile,

"Anyway, your separation is not normal. Now you are much better than before."

Camus was a little surprised. He took a look at Johnson's lazy body. He was very lazy, but his divine sense was more sensitive than others. He felt someone peeping at him and looked up.

When he saw Camus, he showed his disapproval and said calmly, "you have a good eye. This little guy is more agreeable than before."

The ghost palace opens its mouth,

"Of course, I have a good eye for people. By the way, you've just come back, and I'll get you something delicious. Camus, go and prepare for the taste chef. Jason, you haven't tasted the taste chef's food for a long time, have you?"

Camus walked out of the hall, and the ghost's voice dissipated, but he was cold all over. He worried about his virginity. He didn't feel much at ordinary times, but today's ghost palace is a little charming.

But no one is willing to think that those two people will not have any broken sleeves and Split peach. What Duke Zhou hates most is this kind of thing. He managed to make up the quota after he got to Tiewei army, but he didn't want to be rejected because of this.

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