Li Zhi laughs,

"I'll help you find out what he left behind."

Fog hidden nodded, ah, with the appearance of fog hidden, the light inside seems to be bright.

The fog was hidden in the familiar atmosphere, and there was a sense of sadness. There was a breeze in the clear sky, which made the leaves float up, as if to comfort her. Seeing this scene all the time, he believed that this was the place where Luoxi, one of the five Guardian beasts, was buried. Otherwise, the forest could not be so strange. He simply released yuan Shen to release fame and wealth into the forest, and there was no Ninghe River in it, Instead, the wind blows, and a sigh comes.

Fog hidden back but found a translucent figure to smile at him, his tears are flowing out.

Luoxi came in and used his transparent arm to hold the fog hidden object. It took him a long time to receive the big brother Li Zhi. He saw that the figure was getting shorter and shorter. He knew that the person was about to disappear. If Luoxi disappeared, the fog hidden object would never be happy.

He thought about it and took out the soul water. Last time he helped Hongjing, he didn't use it up. Unexpectedly, it still worked.

In his heart, he was glad to wrap a drop of soul water with his spiritual power and throw it to Rossi quickly.

At the same time, there was an invisible black light. He was surprised but didn't resist. He had been hiding for many years and almost disappeared.

I didn't expect to see the evil words before they disappeared completely. Lucy was satisfied. Even if they disappeared, it didn't matter. Lucy closed her eyes and waited for them to turn into nothingness. Even though a strange force was injected into his body and made him materialize.

He watched the moonlight pour into his body like mercury. He looked at Li zhiluoxi inconceivably. When he turned into an entity, Li Zhi knew that he should not be in danger for the time being, so he said with a smile: "Hello, Luoxi, I'm Wu Yin's contractor and her lover."

Rosie didn't speak for a long time. He seemed to have not spoken for a long time. He stammered, "you... Hello, thank you... Thank you for taking care of... So well."

I can't understand what I said.

But Li Zhi still understood his faint smile, shook his head and said nothing.

Wu Yin's tears are more fierce when he sees the materialized Luoxi. He used to be the guardian beast of the fierce wind. If he becomes like this, everyone will be sad. It's not impossible for Luoxi to recover his former strength.

Just before that, he wants to become a soul crystal and absorb enough fame in the underworld. However, the process is too troublesome. Li Zhi doesn't know whether he wants to, so he hesitates and asks. From Wu Yinjing's joy, he can see that it's absolutely feasible. Luo Xi nods without thinking about it.

He doesn't seem to worry about failure at all. Li Zhi knows that the guardian beasts were originally born at the beginning of the universe, but now they are just restored to the most basic state, or better than their most basic state.

It's just that he has to sleep deeply, but he can enter another realm. At that time, his stomach disease will be comparable to that of Loki. He walks over with excitement and caution, obviously valuing that Li Zhi doesn't talk much, and the rules of the family around him will be taken back.

According to the method of condensing the environment last time, the process was much more difficult than he thought. He also understood that the environment of guarding the shrine was different from that of human beings, and it was more difficult to condense. He extracted the power of chaos, and finally compressed Luoxi into a soul crystal the size of a football. Li Zhi also knew when he saw the eyes of misty loathing.

He thinks this thing is ugly. In fact, you don't want to be lazy. It costs too much energy to compress the soul crystal. As a guardian beast, Roxy's soul is much denser than human beings, and the soul water is really strong, soul and water are really strong.

It took 10 times of the original effort, but it didn't work. When the environment became the size of a fist, the back eye was satisfied, and Li Zhi just missed it. I'm born to squeeze.

At this time, there was a creaking sound in the soul crystal. Things were not like what I thought. Although the environment was about to burst, it never broke. Li Zhi held the green soul crystal in his hand.

There was a feeling that he couldn't bear to send it out. Wu Yin didn't know why. He looked at him and made sure that Li Zhi said, "let's first come back and grind it. After two days, the energy will recover and then open the channel. Don't be invisible. He thought that he was nodding and wanted to take the soul crystal. He made sure that Li Zhi would receive the soul crystal into the bracelet.".

At the moment, he showed a strange look. After thinking about it, he seemed to understand something and showed a trace of shyness. It was probably because he was together every day. Li Zhi didn't notice the change between Wu Yin's eyebrows. It was only when he gazed in the moonlight that he found that something was wrong and that he was not beautiful.

The original elegant appearance became mature and looked a little strange. He had a flash of inspiration. Li Zhi's face became ugly when he saw it somewhere, but it soon recovered.

Let fog hidden didn't notice he hugged. The lover returns to the dark magic city, ignoring the fight that will happen. The night turns dark red, and the red star has lost its aura.

Kao was busy deploying the plan of Aoluo, but he didn't see that the painting behind him had no color. For him, nothing is more important than the destruction of Aoluo family. The forest can be bought again with money.

This planet can be bought again if it's gone, but when it's gone, it's someone else's. he forgets to meditate under the tree, forgets his mood, and is bored to protect his Ninghe. He relies on the whole person to devote himself to the plan.

The whole person exudes the solemn and stirring feeling of not succeeding in becoming a human being. No one sits in the secret room, and his face is sick. His body is wrapped with transparent tentacles, which wriggle to absorb the warmth of human beings, and tentacles retreat for a long time.

No one fell in the basement, silent like a dead man. Seconds later, he calmed down, his expression was gone, and his previous high spirited, because this chamber of secrets is too terrible, and the reason why he seldom enters here is also because of this reason, the multiplier sign of oloss confidential documents is here

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