Li Zhi's voice rings. He doesn't want to go back to the magic city with me. According to the Lord, he won't let you go. Anyway, he helped me this time. I can't see you being killed. Kao nodded and quietly followed the tall buildings in front of me. It seemed that he could shelter everyone from the wind and rain

It's good to follow this person all the time. When Kao put on Pluto, he couldn't believe his eyes. This is really how the desolate Pluto became like this? He looked thoughtfully at Li Zhi in front of him, filled with a feeling in his heart. When he first saw the dark magic city.

He found that his villa was so vulgar that he blushed. Take a look at the corridor bridge. The woman comes out of her body. The greedy wolf looks at her. Kao says that the little brother is very young. He is still a child Li Zhi. How can he let the child help him.

Although the mouth is complaining, but it is a feeling of love. With a smile, the director forgot that he was old, but not young.

Like a sister, the greedy wolf pulls him to talk with his younger brother. Kao is deeply moved. This is yuan Tiangang who is going to report to Li Zhi. After a look at the exam, he criticizes and curls his mouth. He is so angry that he almost goes crazy. He goes to prepare for the theory, while the bean sprouts smile. If the little guy wants to gain respect, he has to work hard, People who don't get approval can't get into dark magic city.

Cao's face is red and bleeding. He was called a little guy when he was 18 years old. He can't stand it.

The greedy wolf next to him waved his hand. He's still a child. However, when Li Zhi got the news from Yuan Tiangang, he frowned slightly. He didn't expect that the spirit plane really had something to do with GUI que. The God of laziness was actually under GUI que. It seems that he needs to reevaluate the strength of GUI que.

The strangest thing this time is that the disappearance of separation is not necessarily a bad thing. Is there anything wrong with the separation of Wu Yan refining? You shake your head to get rid of the doubt. Anyway, you can't think of a clue now, so don't think about it.

Li Zhi's consistent character is like this. In the future, he doesn't like to go to the top, so he can get to this position today. Just as he was about to leave, Yuan Tiangang was ready to talk and stop. Later, Li Zhi looked at his subordinates and said, "why do you want to talk and stop?"?

Yuan Tiangang said: "Lord, do you want to take that boy as the iron guard? He can't do it. He's weak and can't carry the initial training. There are no idle people in the massage city. If it's OK, you can entrust it to others. "

Originally, Li Zhi didn't want to talk about the Kaou iron guards, but it was because Kaou helped him once. Now, on the other hand, he just hasn't seen such a big reaction from Yuan Tiangang. It's good to tease him,

"Who was born strong, aren't you? At that time, your conditions were not as good as him. If there is anything to retreat, the child will be given to you. Don't kill him. The rest is up to you. "

After that, Yuan Tiangang chopped off his feet and looked at the Lord's irresponsible attitude. It seemed that the dark attack was different when the matter of the dark magic city subsided. The messenger of the dark attack who reported the bad news was almost pierced by the ghost crying knife. Johnson shook his head helplessly. Accidentally fell to the outside of the storm circle, Muir's eyes flashed an unclear smile. This guy was treacherous enough to stay away from the beginning. Even now, he is just shrouded in the edge of the ghost animal aura. It seems that he has experience. No wonder he can live so long. In his eyes, he agreed to sit quietly in his own place.

Camus almost screamed.

Of course, he can feel the vision of the bridge. If the release is good, he has already gone through. Fortunately, he has been around guikan for several years, and he has become extremely smooth. Camus does not dare to act rashly. He finally has nothing to do with those communities.

But obviously, he passed on the news and ensured that no one else found him, but he was still guilty. Fortunately, GUI que only used the Golden State to see him, otherwise, after he had gone through the gang, he would not dare to imagine how cruel he was.

Hongqing came in from the outside, and there was no bleeding in the dark palace. In such a monitoring room, he was like a puppet, with no expression on his face, but he still couldn't resist the terror of GUI que. Just now, the two brothers were threatened by ah Zi and went back to kill several people. They were in a better mood

How did you get it when you saw Hongjing coming?

Hong Jing said with no expression: "Kao has been hiding in the dark magic city. Are we going to carry out the original plan?"

Camus is hiding in the corner and is about to laugh. Few people are serious enough to tell jokes. When he sees a plan to go to dark magic city, is everyone crazy or what?

Johnson covered his stomach and giggled strangely. He looked at him with a black face and forgot to punish Hongjing

For a long time, he waved his hand to let his men open, and Hongjing also left. Since Li Zhi appeared, he has not done anything smoothly. It seems that it is not easy to do anything, whether it is the soul of the inverse star or the dark palace. The soul of the inverse star has existed in the extreme plane of the star for so many years, and it is reasonable to say that it is deeply rooted. I didn't expect that all the kids were killed.

Ghost que thought very distressed, but dark palace will experience the same thing.

Is this guy destined to restrain him? Ghost animal's face is gloomy, sitting on the bridge beside him, showing a perfect smile, as if planning something funny.

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