Yu Wuji stood on the periphery and didn't show any impatience waiting for Li Zhi to say something. Li Zhi said that the index is not the place to answer. Let's go ahead and talk about it.

As they walked inside, Aoluo had been waiting there for a long time. When he saw them, there was a glimmer of admiration in his eyes. When he got there, Li Zhi went straight to the subject and said, "find a place to talk, and you can come with me.". Aoluosi's expression is serious, immediately nods.

Go to the center of the hall, and there will be a space crack in the morning. Only ailros and elder turtle know that they are in the space crack.

Using the words of Jiezi, I saw a secret room in a moment. After entering the secret room, I found that the secret room was very special. No one could eavesdrop on their conversation. The order inside was chaotic. After entering the secret room, Yu Wuji was relieved to see that the five zang organs were not small, but the sparrow was small and had all five zang organs.

In the secret room, there is an obscene and rickety elder who can't say hello to Yu Wuji. Li Zhi sits in front of elder GUI impolitely and says carelessly, you know why you're hiding this from us when you come back?

Elder tortoise took a look at him and took a drink from the teacup. What is to tell you in advance that there is a fart to use? Do you have a way to solve it? It's not good for you to know too many things in advance. Otherwise, why do we old guys keep it from you

Yu Wuji is very confused when listening to their words. I don't know what's going on now. Can you explain it to me.

Li Zhi threw a piece of memory directly into Yu Wuji's mind

However, he forgot that no one's mental strength was the same as him. Yu Wuji was so dazed by the huge information that he was almost killed by the information. The elder turtle naturally found out this. He shook his head and sighed. The young man was impatient, and then he quickly set up a border in the secret room. AI

Orus stood at the door, with a bunch of bone magic weapons in his hand. He waved a few energy magic weapons at will and flew out of the secret room, turning into streamer to cover the whole space.

After all this, elder tortoise stood up and said solemnly, you must have talked with the guardian beast and sensed the change of the plane. In this world, except for the demon clan, there is absolutely no one who knows Tianji better than you. Although you don't know what that guy is going to do, we have to speed up our action. Li Zhi nodded and said faintly, I understand that not long ago, the rule took action. Maybe all things piled up together, and there was a gap in my heart. He took this opportunity to invade my consciousness, but I found that there was no accident. Ioros had a strange expression. Although he knew Li Zhi was powerful, he didn't expect that this person could find the invasion of the rule.

This is the right way to calculate. You know Li Zhi has the power of divine eye, which is so powerful that even the rules can't resist it. Elder GUI looks dignified after hearing this.

After checking Li Zhi's situation, he was sure that nothing had happened. He was relieved. GUI que also clearly remembered that he would have invaded like this at the beginning.

It left an indelible mark on the soul. The original mark on the soul couldn't be removed. If it wasn't for this beast, he would have been controlled by others. It's needless to say that many immoral things the ghost did in the anti star soul were rules. Now his soul is separated and still inevitably affected.

Fortunately, when fighting against the spirit of the stars, it was reasonable for Wu Yin to join hands to seal and dissolve. It had to be said that there was a destiny in the dark. Li Zhi looked at their faces and said with ease, don't worry. No one knows the current situation better than me. If that guy wants to control me, this kind of idea can't work.

Then there's no need to worry about this. What's brother Mo doing.

Even though Yu Wuji was digesting his memory, he was surprised to hear that. He did not expect that Li Zhihui would directly ask Mo Jibei about his whereabouts. You know what he's going out for this time. I don't care about the most precious rules of the demon clan. They can't ask like this. Elder tortoise seems to understand Yu Wuji's idea. He says with a smile, it doesn't matter. You and Li Zhi are our good friends.

It's no big deal to know this kind of thing. It's related to your actions that I asked the boy to take things. It was calculated by aorus. The boy heard our words and went to find our demon clan's treasure sealed on this plane. He didn't even give us a chance to speak.

He made a blue flower spray on Yu Wuji. The spray appeared behind his ears. Yu Wuji felt very cool, and the pain in his mind disappeared. He didn't know what happened. He laughed at elder tortoise. Li Zhi said curiously, is it related to action? Can that baby handle the rules? Where did brother Mo look? Brother Yu and I are going to find him.

Elder tortoise said that it has something to do with Yao people's creatures. Have you ever heard of yaozhangjiao? This thing is made by him, and the attack door is also made by him, but now you are the master. It seems that you and I have a good relationship.

When Yu Wuji understood all the situations, his face became dignified. With the deepening of his mastery of the rules, he understood the interesting seriousness of the rules.

What's more, I don't know whether the new word rule or the dead word rule exists. In the process of absorbing the soul, I was infected with resentment. No one knows what monster he has become.

At this time, Li Zhi learned about what happened from elder tortoise. Not long ago, Mo Jibei should have known about the conscious things of rules. The above experience is impossible. He didn't understand what happened.

There is resentment in the heart is also to help the war time, Mo Jibei went directly to the treasure hunt, left in a hurry.

I didn't hear elder GUI and his reasons. The place where the treasure was sealed had become a place of great evil under the influence of the rules. Even the rules are not dare to go, especially the north, so the past.

It is bound to be blocked and even disappear from this power world. I can't sit still when I hear the words.

When he inquired about the place, he and Yu Wuji kept on rushing there. At this time, it was a month since Mo Jibei left. Li Zhi was very worried when he thought of what happened to Mo Jibei.

It seems that a voice reminds him to be calm, so he keeps calm, but his face is more and more dignified, which fully shows his mood, and so is yuwuji.

He and Mo Jibei hate to see each other late, and their friendship is established in a very short time. However, in this position, some of them live and die together, and their feelings are unusual. When they hear about Mo Jibei, they may be in danger, and his mood will not calm down.

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